WhileonExternship,studentsmustbeavailable40hoursperweek,MondaythroughFriday,andtheymaybe required to accommodatealternative schedules based on facility placement business hours. Students must be able to complete those particular rotations on the schedule provided. Students receive 231 didactic hours, 345 laboratory hours, and one hundred eighty (180) hours of clinical externships, allowing them to apply the lecture topics and hands-on lab skills in practical use when placed in a healthcare facility. 192.5 hours will be spent outside work time. Thecurriculumprovidesstudentswiththetechnical,clinical, and interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in themedicalassisting field. A certificate is awarded upon program completion. The expected program completiontimeis30weeks,excludingholidaysandvacationtimes. Class times can and may be rescheduled to ensure on-time program completion and fulfillment of required programhours. LabHours Labhoursaredonewithdailytheorydeliveryandareconductedunderinstructorguidanceandsupervision. OutsideWork Theinstructor will assign work correlating daily theory topics and skills. Assignments will vary according to topics, to be done on students’ own time, and given due dates. Certification Exam Review Students receive Certification Exam tutorial materials and practice examinations. These tools are utilized throughoutthefirst 24 weeks of the program to support student preparation for the certification exam. Specific distance education hours are designated each week for students to review key concepts to prepare for theexamination.Further, the resulting diagnostic data is utilized to counsel and guide students to strengthen their knowledge in each examination area. Clinical Externship Theclinical externship includes student placement in a facility that performs various skills and provides exposuretotheoryconceptsandhands-onpracticeopportunities.Theexternshipallowsstudentstoassist facility staff with daily duties under supervision in the front and back offices. This marks the transition from being a student to becoming a medical assistant. Theexternshipisapracticumwithoutpaytohelpstudentsapplylearnedclassroomskills.Studentswillhave various tasks to perform and to document for verification purposes. Daily attendance and performance at the site are verified by facility personnel. *All tasks above are subject to change, addition, removal, or modification on an ongoing basis according to state regulations, Medical Assistant Certification Examination requirements, and ABHES guidelines. MAProgramDelivery TheMedicalAssistantProgramisblendedwithresidentialandonlinecoursesandlabs,includinghands-on demonstrations. Lecture and practical skills include but are not limited to PowerPoint presentations, group discussions, audiovisual presentations, visible body animations, clicker technology for remediation and testing, video presentations, demonstrations, skill practices, and return demonstrations. VOCATIONALNURSEPROGRAM(VN) 229