52WEEKS 1570CLOCKHOURS 92.5 QUARTERCREDITHOURS DIPLOMAPROGRAM,4MODULES STANDARDOCCUPATIONALCLASSIFICATION (SOCCode):29-2061.00. POTENTIAL OCCUPATION: Please see a school official for the completelist of potential occupations. LOCATIONS:Concord,Fresno,Modesto,Sacramento,andSanJose DELIVERY:Blended(ResidentialandDistanceEducation) AGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsstudentintheNursingSkillsLabattheSacramentocampus. VNProgramMission Gurnick Academy and our Vocational Nurse Program faculty are dedicated to providing qualified individuals with an optimal learning experience to provide the healthcare community with competent vocational nursing professionals. They will demonstrate the highest standards of ethics, professionalism, clinical competency, and critical thinking while providing compassionate and respectful patient care. VNProgramDescription The Vocational Nurse program (VN) utilizes the plan that nursing courses progress along the simple to complex continuum. The organizing principle is homeostasis as it relates to the study of representative client problems by addressing the various anatomical systems and specialty areas in nursing. The program includes didactic and laboratory training and a clinical component correlating with theoretical knowledge. As a result of preparation, students can work as Vocational Nurses in hospitals or medical clinics. VNProgramGoalsandObjectives ● Incorporate nursing, behavioral, and physical sciences principles to provide competent care to clients of different ages with different biopsychosocial needs. ● Apply knowledge of specific disease conditions in the prevention, treatment, nursing care, and rehabilitation of clients. ● Differentiate the role of the Vocational Nurse within the medical team. ● Adhere to professional standards incorporating a Vocational Nurse’s legal and ethical responsibilities. ● Utilize critical thinking in assessing, planning, intervening, and evaluating client care within the scopeofVocationalNursepractice. ● Organize,prioritize, and delegate care, communicating effectively with medical team members. VNProgramOutline Table 73. VN Program Course Outline Course Clock Quarter Title Number Hours Credit Hours VN100 FundamentalofNursing* 96.0 9.5 VN110 AnatomyandPhysiology 56.0 5.5 VN120 Clinical Nutrition 32.0 3.0 VN130 Clinical Lab I* 120.0 6.0 VN200 Medical/Surgical Nursing I* 88.0 8.5 VN210 PharmacologyI 40.0 4.0 230