● Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts is a California Association of Private Postsecondary Schools (CAPPS) member. ● GurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsisapprovedtoacceptparticipantsfromtheWorkforceInvestmentAct (WIA), EmploymentDevelopmentDepartment(EDD),andCaliforniacounties’retrainingprograms. ● Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts, San Jose campus, is approved by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVIS) to accept international students. More information can be found at egov.ice.gov/sevis/. ● GurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsisaChamberofCommerce(SMCC)member. ● The National Healthcare Association approves Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts to administer the Certified EKG Technician and Certified Phlebotomy Technician examinations. Individuals who want to review the accrediting/licensure documentation should contact the Campus Director. ADMISSIONPOLICIES PREREQUISITES,COREQUISITES,&ADMISSIONCOURSES Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts has established program prerequisites and course corequisites appropriately onaprogrammaticandcourse-by-coursebasis. Prerequisites are courses that must be completed before starting the core programs. Passing prerequisites demonstrates the competency of knowledge necessary for beginning the core program. Prerequisite Challenge Examsareavailableforthosewhoareinterested. Courses such as the LVN-to-RN Transition Course must be completed to meet the eligibility requirements for admission into their respective programs. Completing these courses does not guarantee automatic enrollment into their respective programs. Please review individual program admission requirements for more details. Students taking prerequisites or admission courses such as Essential Medical Biosciences or Nursing Transition for Advanced Placement are limited to two (2) attempts. Students may request one (1) additional attempt every 12 months from thefinal attempt, with approval by the Program Director. Students requesting further attempts must submit a written request to the Program Director, outlining what they will do to succeed during this attempt. Corequisites are defined as courses that must be taken simultaneously. However, a failure in one course does not meanfailureintheco-requisitecourse.Onlythefailedcourseneedstoberepeated. Paired courses must be taken simultaneously. A failure in one of the paired courses means failure in all paired courses. Each of the paired courses will need to be retaken. Kindly note that prerequisite courses do not fall within the ABHES scope of accreditation, nor do we award academiccreditsforthosecourses.Prerequisite and admission courses are also not eligible for Financial Aid. Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsprovidesonline,residential,hybrid, prerequisite, and admission courses. REGISTRATIONFEE All new applicants are subject to pay the $100.00 Registration Fee. 22

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