Individuals who were enrolled but never started a core program and wish to enroll again are considered new applicants after 270 days (9 months) from the initial start date and must pay the Registration Fee again. Gurnick Academy of MedicalArtsgraduateswhodesiretoenrollagainareconsiderednewapplicantsandmustalsopay theRegistration Fee. Individuals eligible to re-enroll are subject to pay the Registration Fee if re-enrollment occurs after 180 days of anapprovedwithdrawal/expulsion/completiondate. Those eligible to re-enroll are not subject to paying the $100.00 Registration Fee if re-enrollment occurs within 180daysofanapprovedwithdrawal/expulsion/completiondate. Individuals who want to transfer from one cohort group to a different program or time frame are not subject to paying the Registration Fee. INTERNATIONALSTUDENTADMISSIONS International applicants are encouraged to apply for admission. All applicants must meet the exact requirements as U.S. citizens as outlined above. An English evaluation should accompany all documents. Students whose native language is not English will be required to take the English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) or equivalent. The following minimum TOEFL scores must be obtained: 45 for the iBT (internet-based test) or demonstrate English proficiency through other measures established by Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArts. Requirements for proof of English Language Proficiency through TOEFL or International English Language System(IELTS): ● IndividualswhohavegraduatedfromaU.S.highschoolandhavepassedCAproficiencywillbeexempt fromtakingtheTOEFL. ● fromtakingtheTOEFL. ● IndividualswhohavegraduatedfromanEnglish-speakingcountry,suchasCanada,Nigeria,ortheUK, will be exempt from taking the TOEFL. ● ForthoseoptingforIELTS,aminimumscoreof6.5isrequiredineachsection,withanoverallband score of 6.5 or higher. An affidavit of financial support is recommended to be submitted but is not required. More detailed information will be provided through our Admissions office. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts is authorized to enroll non-immigrant students under federal law. Besides F1 and M1 visas, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts does not offer visa services. If requested, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts will document and vouch for the current student status. ABILITY TO BENEFIT Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsdoesnotacceptAbility-to-Benefit(ATB)students. ADMISSIONREQUIREMENTS The table below is only a summary of Admission Requirements. A complete list of admission requirements is presented in the General Admission Requirements for all programs, as well as Additional Admission Requirementsperprogram. 23

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