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Vocational Nurse Program The Vocational Nurse Program is approved by the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (BVNPT). The Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians’ contact information is 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 205, Sacramento, CA 95833, Phone: (916) 263-7800. X-ray Technician with Medical Assistant Skills Program The X-ray Technician with Medical Assistant Skills Program is approved by the California Department of Public Health, Radiologic Health Branch (CDPH-RHB) as a school for X-ray technicians. Contact Information for CDPH-RHBisP.O.Box997414,MS7610,Sacramento,CA95899-7414,(916)327-5106. State Authorization Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts offers distance education outside the state where the institution or program is physically located in California. All 50 states plus U.S. Territories regulate education on the state level. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts makes every effort to follow each state’s regulations regarding offering distance education programs in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and accreditation standards. Students should research whether the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts program meets their state’s professional requirements. A student’s physical location is identified at the time of application to determine program authorization requirements for enrollment in our programs. The basis for determining the student’s physical location is determined by official ID (a receipt of a Driver’s License or official U.S. identification) as required for admission (see General Admissions Requirements). If a student changes their physical location during the program, they shall notify Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts by completing a change of address form. Change of Address Forms are available on or by asking a campus designee. Students must complete the Change of Address Form and bring the above-mentioned official documents in person to the Student Services Coordinator or Designated School Official located on their campus. Students can also mail notarized copies of documents with a cover letter explaining the change. Students who mail the certified documents must sign the cover letter, include their Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts student ID or social security number and date of birth, and send it to the student’s campus. Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtshasnotdeterminedifanyprogramsfulfilltheeducationalrequirementsfor specific professional licensure or certification required for employment outside California unless identified by theprogrambelow.Itisrecommendedthatstudentswhoarelocatedinorplantorelocatetoastateapart fromthephysicalcampusofferingtheprogramresearchanycertificationoremploymentrequirementsfortheir intendedstate. Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtscanenrollstudentsindistanceeducationinthestatesbelow,adheringto eachstate’s requirements: ● Arizona: The academy has identified non-regulation from licensure due to the absence of physical presence from the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education for the Associate of Science in MRI program. ● Nevada:TheacademyhasobtainedapprovalfromtheNevadaCommissiononPostsecondaryEducation to offer the Associate of Science in MRI program. ● Florida: The academy has been notified of non-regulation from licensure due to a lack of physical presence from the Florida Commission for Independent Education for the Associate of Science in MRI program. OtherApprovalsandMemberships ● The US Department of Education approves Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts to participate in Title IV/Federal Financial Aid programs. 21

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