The probation plan of action is designed individually and is not calculated into the overall course grade, nor is it considered “extra credit.” The consequence of failing to meet the expectations and failing to receive a passing gradeforthecoursewillultimatelyresult in the offer of a remedial action plan. An improvement plan will be initiated with specific due dates. Academic probationary status is lifted once the student has met the expectations defined within the probationary plan of action and completed the course in satisfactory academic standing. The student receives a final passing grade for the course after being placed on probation. This final grade will be reflected on the Student’s transcript. Additional information for Associate of Science in Nursing (ADN) and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Programs Ascorelessthan75%(C)inanycourse(theory/didactic/clinical)isconsideredafailinggrade.Studentswhodo notachievetheminimum75%(C)gradewillbewithdrawnfromtheprogram.Allclinicalcoursesarepaired courses with a corresponding theory course. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both courses. The courses must be retaken and passed concurrently. There is no remediation available for the core nursing courses. Students who score below 60% are not eligible for remediation for the general education courses. Additional information for Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy (B.S. in RT) Students can be placed on clinical or didactic probation to improve their understanding of course material, technical skills below acceptable levels of competence, or unprofessional behavior in the clinical setting. If a student is placed on clinical probation, they must meet with the instructor and Program Director or designee within the time frame specified in table Remediation/Probation Plan Details to prepare a probationary plan of action explicitly stating expectations that must be met during the probationary period. The probationary plan of action identifies the areas of concern and the goals for improvement. The probation plan of action is designed individually and is not calculated into the overall course grade, nor is it considered “extra credit.” A score of less than 75% (C) in any course (theory/didactic/clinical) is considered a failing grade. Students who do not achieve the minimum 75% (C) grade will be withdrawn from the program. All clinical courses are paired courses with a corresponding theory course. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both courses. Both courses must be retaken and passed concurrently. Students who score below 60% are not eligible for remediation. Any student whodoesnotcompleteaclinicalevaluationwillautomaticallyfailtheclinical course. Students may reenter the program only when the course is offered in the subsequent cohort. Additional information for X-ray Technician with Medical Assistant Skills (XTMAS), Associate of Science in Vocational Nurse (A.S. in VN), and Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Imaging (B.S. in DMI) Students whoscorelowerthan60%arenoteligibleforremediation. DISCIPLINARYPROBATION Students must adhere to Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts’ acceptable conduct and behavior. Disciplinary probation status is a consequence when a student disregards the boundaries of proper behavior outlined in this catalog and other applicable disclosures. Students who violate any Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts Programpolicies/guidelines will be placed on disciplinary probation. Written disciplinary probation is an official notice for a specified period during which a student must demonstrate conduct that conforms to Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts’ standards of conduct. Assigned discipline may include a combination of sanctions for a particular incident. Misconduct during the probationary period or violation of any conditions will result in further disciplinary action, generally expulsion. Expulsion is 160