the termination of “Student” status for an indefinite period. Please see our Re-enrollment Policy for more details. Disciplinary probation status does not prohibit a student from being placed on academic probation and remediation. Please see the summary of the Disciplinary Probation guidelines per program in the Academic Probation/Remediationpolicy. REPETITIONOFCLASSESORMODULES If students are assigned to repeat any classes or modules for any reason, they will be responsible for additional tuition payment based on the prorated hourly charges. (Ex. The total number of hours needed to repeat is multiplied by hourly charges). LEAVESOFABSENCE A Leave of Absence (LOA) is an approved absence from a program for 180 days maximum in a 12-month calendar period. Students who are approved for an LOA for less than 180 days may request an additional LOA for well-documented reasons, so long as combined, they do not exceed 180 days in a 12-month calendar period. Students may be placed on an LOA for pregnancy and academic reasons. Eligibility for an Academic LOA depends on individual student circumstances. The Academic Probation/Remediation, Re-enrollment, Pregnancy, and Financial sections provide additional information on LOA eligibility. If the student does not return by the expected return date, they will be expelled from the program, with the effective date as the student’s Last Day of Attendance (LDA). A student’s grace period may be shortened for loans received from financial aid by the amount of time spent on LOA. Gurnick Academy of MedicalArtswill award the grade of “W” for courses the student has withdrawn due to an approvedLOA. Students who are unable to continue with their program may request to be withdrawn from the program. Students will have the ability to re-enroll through the appropriate re-enrollment process when they are ready to continue. Students are strongly advised to consult their Financial Aid and Admissions Advisors before withdrawing to ensure they understand the potential implications of financial aid status, program progress, and other concerns. Pregnancy Eligible students must meet with the Program Coordinator and complete an LOA Request Form.* Students must consider the effects of an LOA on their current enrollment, academic standing, and financial aid and discuss the expected return date along with the make-up plan. The student must obtain the signatures of the Program Coordinator and the CampusDirectortofinalize the LOA approval process. Students must keep a copy of the approved LOA Form. The Program Coordinator, Campus Director, or School Official Designee will consider the individual circumstances of the student and the frequency of LOA requests during the approval process. Should the issuance of an LOA be such that it would significantly interfere with the planned completion of a program of study, appropriate actions will occur at the sole discretion of the Program Coordinator/Campus Director or designated official. *Refer to the Pregnancy Policy for more details. LOA Request Forms are available on the Gurnick Academy of 161
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