MedicalArtswebsite. Academic The Institution determines academic LOA and is limited to students in a non-term program who have completed at least one course while in good academic standing. Students who have received a transfer of credits with a gap of non-attendance in their program schedule may be required to take an involuntary leave to suspendstudiestemporarily. Note:Studentsinterm-basedprogramsarenoteligibleforanLOA. GRADUATIONREQUIREMENTS ThefollowingrequirementsmustbemetforastudenttograduatefromanyprogramatGurnickAcademyof MedicalArts: 1. Completionofallprogramcoursesandhours. 2. All financial obligations, including tuition and textbook charges, have been met. Program-Specific Graduation Requirements Additional Graduation Requirements for the Associate of Science in Respiratory Care Program (A.O.S. in RC) 1. Thestudentmustcompleteandverifytheminimumclinicalcompetenciesinthelabandclinicalsetting defined by the course syllabi and log into the Clinical Trac software. 2. Students must have acquired an Associate’s Degree from a CoARC Accredited program before being able to sit for the RRT exam. Additional Graduation Requirements for the Associate of Science in Radiologic Technology Program (A.S. in RT)andAssociateofOccupationalScienceinRadiologicTechnologyProgram(A.O.S.inRT) 1. The student must complete and verify the minimum clinical competencies defined by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® (ARRT®). 2. Students must have acquired an Associate’s Degree before taking the ARRT® exam. Additional Graduation Requirements for the Associate of Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology Program (A.S. in NM) 1. The student must have completed and verified the minimum clinical competencies defined by the AmericanRegistryofRadiologicTechnologists®forNuclearMedicineTechnology. 2. Students must have an Associate’s Degree before taking the American Registry of Radiologic Technology Nuclear Medicine Technology certification exam. Additional Graduation Requirements for the Associate of Science in Nursing Program (ADN) 1. To graduate from the Associate of Science in Nursing Program, students must successfully meet the benchmarkof90%ontheATIExitExam. Additional Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program (BSN) 1. To graduate from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program, students must successfully meet the benchmarkof90%ontheATIExitExam. Additional Graduation Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy (B.S. in RT) 1. The student must have completed and verified the minimum clinical competencies defined by the AmericanRegistryofRadiologicTechnologists®. 162

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