2. Students must have a bachelor’s degree before taking the American Registry of Radiologic Technology Radiation Therapy certification exam. 3. Students must complete all clinical hours as required by CDPH-RHB. Additional Graduation Requirements for the Master of Science in Nursing Program (BSN to MSN) 1. The student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to graduate. Additional Graduation Requirements for the Dental Assistant Program DA 1. Students must bring three (3) patients (aged 18 or above) to campus for Coronal Polishing. Each patient must complete the documentation to be reviewed and approved by a Dental Assisting program faculty memberwhocanparticipate.Thedocumentmustbereceivedbeforethescheduled Coronal Polish examination date. 2. Students must bring four (4) patients (aged 18 or above) to campus for a full set of mouth X-rays (FMX). Each patient must fill out the documentation to be reviewed and approved by a dentist, stating they can participate. The document must be received before the scheduled FMX examination date. Additional Graduation Requirements for the Vocational Nurse Program (VN) 1. The student must have completed the program exit examination. Students will be given up to two (2) attemptstocompletetheexitexam. ONLINECOURSERESPONSETIME For online courses, the institution has seven (7) days between the institution’s receipt of student lessons, projects, or dissertations and the institution’s mailing of its response or evaluation. STUDENTTECHNOLOGYACCEPTABLEUSEPOLICIES Students are responsible for actions and activities involving Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts computers, personal computers, networks, Internet services, and personal computer files, passwords, and accounts. These policies provide general direction concerning computer usage and examples of prohibited uses. The rules do notattempttodescribeeverypossibleprohibitedactivitybystudents.Studentsquestioningwhetheranactivity is prohibited are urged to contact the school administration. VIOLATIONOFCOMPUTERUSEPOLICYANDRULES Using Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts computers, networks, and Internet services is a privilege, not a right, including personal devices such as computers and mobile devices. Compliance with policies and rules regarding computer use is mandatory. Students who violate these policies and regulations may have their computer privileges limited, suspended, or revoked. Such violations may also result in disciplinary action, law enforcement referrals, and legal action. The school administration shall have the final authority to decide whetherastudent’sprivileges will be limited, suspended, or revoked based on the conditions of the situation. REQUIREDAPPLICATIONS All Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts students must have the following application installed on their computers: ● Chromebrowser ● AdobeAcrobatReader ● VitalSourcebookshelf 163

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