Additional information for Associate of Science in Respiratory Care (A.O.S. in RC) A score less than 75% (C) in any course (theory/didactic/clinical) is considered a failing grade. Students who do not achieve the minimum 75% (C) grade in theory and didactic courses may be eligible for remediation if their score is 60% or greater. Students who score below 60% are not eligible for remediation. Any student who does not complete a clinical externship will automatically fail the clinical course. There is no remediationavailable for clinical courses. Students who fail any course are immediately withdrawn from the program. Students may reenter the program only whenthecourseisofferedinthesubsequentcohort.* *If students fail a course, they may be eligible to join a subsequent cohort if space permits. Students must retake this course within two years. Any time in the past two (2) years, the student’s retention of previously learned material must be deemed competent by the Program Director via direct observation of skills check or comprehensiveexam. Additional information for Associate of Science in Physical Therapist Assistant (A.S. in PTA) Students maybeplacedonacademicprobationduringanycourse(didactic,lab,orclinicalevaluations)ifa gradeoflessthana“C”isachieved. If a student is placed on academic probation, they must meet with the instructor and Program Director or designeewithinthetimeframespecifiedintableRemediation/ProbationPlanDetailstopreparea probationary plan of action explicitly stating expectations that must be met during the probationary period. Theprobationaryplanofactionidentifiestheareasofconcernandthegoalsforimprovement.Theprobation plan of action is designed individually and is not calculated into the overall course grade, nor is it considered “extra credit.” The consequence of failing to meet the level of expectations and failing to receive a passing gradeforthecoursewillultimatelyresult in a remedial plan of action. Animprovementplanwillbeinitiatedwithspecificduedates.Academicprobationarystatusisliftedoncethe student has met the expectations defined within the probationary plan of action and has completed the course in satisfactory academic standing. After being placed on probation, the student receives a final passing grade for the course. This final grade will be reflected on the student’s transcript. Additional information for Associate of Occupational Science in Cardiac Ultrasound Technology (A.O.S. in CUT), Associate of Occupational Science in Radiologic Technology (A.O.S. in RT), Associate of Occupational Science in Ultrasound Technology (A.O.S. in UT), Associate of Occupational Science in Vascular Ultrasound Technology (A.O.S. in VUT), Associate of Science in MRI (A.S. in MRI), Associate of Science in Nuclear MedicineTechnology(A.S.inNM),andAssociateofScienceinRadiologicTechnology(A.S.inRT)Programs. Students may beplacedonremediationonlyforamaximumof2coursespermoduleandarenottoexceedthe total of two (2) times throughout the entire duration of the program. Students may be placed on academic probation during any course (didactic, lab, or clinical evaluations) if their final score is 60% or greater. Students who score below 60% are not eligible for remediation. If a student is placed on academic probation, they must meet with the instructor and Program Director or designee within the time frame specified in table Remediation/Probation Plan Details to prepare a probationary plan of action explicitly stating expectations that must be met during the probationary period. Theprobationaryplanofactionidentifiestheareasofconcernandthegoalsforimprovement. 159