times and circumstances when students may have poor academic, laboratory, or clinical performance. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts monitors students’ performance and implements a progressive educational performancepolicytokeepthemontrack. The clinical practicum and clinical rotation courses cannot be remediated. Students who fail a clinical practicum or clinical rotation course will be expelled from the program. All students who receive a non-passing grade in any didactic or laboratory course will be placed on remediation. Please review the Qualitative Measurements section for more information on grading. To lift the remedial status, students must complete the corrective plan. If the student decides not to finish the remedial plan for any reason or does not complete the remediation plan, the student receives a failing grade for the course and will be expelled for academic reasons. The remedial action plan will be developed by a Designated School Official with student collaboration (student collaboration is required for the successful result of the corrective plan) and finalized within the maximum time frame specified in the table above. The table above shows the maximum time frame for completing a remedial action plan. The remedial plan aims to improve the student’s chance of completing the program and strengthen areas of concern or weakness. Students may be required to attend remediation sessions with the instructor and complete remediation assignments as per the remediation plan. The remediation coursework is designed per theindividual student’s situation. The remediation grade is not calculated into the overall course grade or considered “extra credit.” Students who pass the remediation are deemed to receive a passing grade of “C” in that course. The student must adhere to and complete the action plan to remain in the program. Failure to attend or to complete remediation within the maximumtimeframewillresultinexpulsionfromtheprogramforacademicreasons(pleaseseethe Re-Enrollment policy for more details). Students on remediation are not eligible for Federal Student Aid. Once the student completes the remediation plan and receives a passing grade of “C” for the course for which the student was placed on remediation, the student will regain eligibility for Federal Student Aid. Students on remediation are not eligible to be placed on Leave of Absence (LOA). Students may be placed on remediation only for a maximum of two (2) courses per module or semester as necessary and are not to exceedthree(3)timesfortheprogramduration. If the student has completed two (2) remediations per module/semester or three (3) remediations total and still obtains a non-passing grade in any remaining courses, the student will be expelled from the program for academicreasons. Additional information for Vocational Nurse Program (VN) CourseVN440cannotberemediated.ForModule1,thepassinggradeis75%.ForModule2,thepassinggrade is 77%. The minimumpassinggradeforModules3and4is80%.Studentswhoscorelowerthan60%arenot eligible for remediation. Additional information for X-ray Technician with Medical Assistant Skills (XTMAS) and Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Imaging (BSDMI) Students whoscorebelow60%arenoteligibleforremediation. 158