*Audiologyexamshouldnotbemorethanayear old Speechandlanguageimpairment Licensed speech professional Learning disability Ph.D. Psychologist, college learning disability specialist, other appropriate professional Acquiredbrainimpairment MDneurologist,neuropsychologist Psychological disability Psychiatrist, Ph.D. Psychologist, LMFT, or LCSW ADD/ADHD Psychiatrist; Ph.D. Psychologist, LMFT, or LCSW Otherdisabilities MDwhopracticesorspecializeswithinthefieldof theparticular disability. Documentation used to evaluate the need and reasonableness of potential accommodations may include the following: ● Alicensedprofessional’scurrentmedicaldiagnosisanddateofdiagnosis ● Evaluation of how the student’s disability affects one or more of the major life activities andrecommendations ● Psychologicalandemotionaldiagnostictests ● Functionaleffectsorlimitations of the disability ● Medicationsandrecommendationstoalleviatetheeffectsorlimitations. The Institute may request additional documentation as needed. At its discretion, the Institute may waive the requirement for medical documentation to support accommodation requests that relate to obvious impairments and are de minimis (unimportant) in nature. d. After the ADA Compliance Coordinator receives the Request Form and the required documentation, they will engage the student or applicant in an interactive process to determine reasonable accommodations. e. If the student or applicant is denied the requested accommodation, they may file a grievance using the Grievance Process below. They also may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights or a similar state entity. f. The Institute will make appropriate arrangements to ensure disabled individuals are provided other accommodations, if required, to participate in this grievance process. The ADA Compliance Coordinator will be responsible for such arrangements. 3. GrievanceProcess a. TheInstitute has adopted an internal grievance procedure, providing prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Section 504 of the ADA. b. Anyone who believes they have been subjected to discrimination based on disability, including disagreements regarding requested accommodations, may file a grievance under the procedure outlined below. The Institute will not retaliate against anyone who files a grievance or cooperates in thegrievanceinvestigation. c. Procedure i. Grievances must be submitted to the ADA Compliance Coordinator Jason Ho 1641N.FirstStreet SanJose,CA95112 (650) 425-9673 [email protected] Grievances must be submitted to the ADA Compliance Coordinator within thirty (30) days of the person filing the grievance becoming aware of the alleged discriminatory action. 145