notetakers, adaptive technology, course substitutions, early syllabus, exam modifications, priority registration, andstudyskills and strategies training. Students may be required to submit documentation verifying the nature and extent of the disability receiving any accommodations. In this case, the documentation must be provided to Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts on professional letterhead and contain the diagnosing professionals’ assessment dates, signatures, titles, and license/certification numbers. Diagnoses and disabilities that do not have the required information may not be usedfordeterminingeligibility for academic accommodations. Disability Accommodation&GrievancePolicy 1. StatementofNon-DiscriminationandAccommodation a. Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArts,LCC(“theInstitute”)doesnotdiscriminatebasedondisability. b. Individuals with disabilities are entitled to a reasonable accommodation to ensure that they have full and equal access to the educational resources of the Institute, consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794) (“Section 504”) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12182) (“ADA”) and their related statutes and regulations. c. Section 504 prohibits discrimination based on disability in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. The ADA prohibits a place of public accommodation from discriminating based on disability. The applicable laws and regulations may be examined in the office of the ADA Compliance Coordinator. The Compliance Coordinator has been designated to coordinate the efforts of the Institute to comply with Section 504 and ADA. ADAComplianceCoordinator:JasonHo 1641N.FirstStreet SanJose,CA95112 (650) 425-9673 [email protected] 2. RequestsforAccommodation a. Individuals with disabilities requesting reasonable accommodation must contact the ADA Compliance Coordinator. Disclosure of a disability or a request for accommodation made to a faculty or staff member besides the ADA Compliance Coordinator will not be treated as a request for accommodation. However, if a student discloses a disability to faculty or staff members, they mustdirectthestudenttotheADAComplianceCoordinator. b. TheADAComplianceCoordinatorwillprovideastudentorapplicantwithanAccommodation RequestForm. c. Reasonable accommodations are available for students and applicants with appropriate disability documentation. Such documentation should specify that a student has a physical or mental impairment and how that impairment substantially limits one or more major life activities. Generally, the supporting documentation must be dated less than three (3) years from the date a student requests a reasonable accommodation and must be completed by a qualified professional specializing in the student’s disability, as enumerated below. Table 21. Disability Qualified Professional Physical disability MD,DO Visual impairment MD,ophthalmologist,optometrist Mobility, orthopedic impairment MD,DO Hearingimpairment MD,Audiologist(Au.D.) 144