“get your foot in the door” approach by maintaining flexibility regarding salary, hours, location, and potential relocation to secure such employment. Housing Gurnick Academy of MedicalArtsdoesnotassumeresponsibilityforstudenthousing,doesnothavedormitory facilities under its control, nor offers student housing assistance. According to www.rentals.com, rental properties in the following cities start at approximately the following rates per month: San Jose, CA,$1,400.00; Concord, CA, $1700.00; Modesto, CA, $995.00; Fresno, CA, $685.00; Sacramento, CA, $950.00; and Van Nuys, CA,$1,295.00. StudentResources Students can obtain a list of local support services from Student Services. The list of services includes but is not limited to safety class providers, counseling services, tutoring services, medical care services, financial assistance services, and public transportation. Learning Disabilities At Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts, we understand and agree that a student’s learning disability or learning disorder/difficulty is when a student has difficulty learning using a typical approach. The causes vary; however, the causal factor is typically a disorder that affects the brain’s ability to receive and process information. In other words, learning disabilities are neurologically based conditions that get in the way of fitting attainment, management, and use of skills and knowledge. Every effort is put forth to ensure that students, faculty, and staff with disabilities at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts receive the services and accommodations to which they are entitled. Wealso think that the learning disorder can make it problematic for a person to learn as quickly or in the same way as someone unaffected by a learning disability. People with learning disabilities have trouble performing specific skills or completing tasks if they are left to figure things out themselves or taught in conventional ways. The diagnosis of a learning disability in an adult requires documentation of at least average intellectual functioning along with deficits in such areas as ● Auditoryprocessing ● Visualprocessing ● Informationprocessingspeed ● Abstractreasoning ● Memory(long-term,short-term,visual,auditory) ● Spokenandwrittenlanguageskills ● Readingskills ● Mathematicalskills ● Visual-spatial skills ● Motorskills ● Executivefunctioning(planning) Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts believes that a learning disability is not a temporary disorder. This disability typeimpactshowstudentswithaverageorabove-averageintelligenceprocessincoming,outgoing,orboth. Learning disabilities are often inconsistent. They may be manifested in only one specific academic area, such as math or foreign language. There might be problems in grade school, none in high school, and a return during higher education. Learning disabilities are not the same as mental retardation or emotional disorders. Prevailing accommodations for students with learning disabilities are alternative print formats, taped lectures, 143