For fully asynchronous Online classes, students must complete the lecture discussions, both responding to the prompt and responding to others. A student who does not make the minimum number of posts in the discussion for each lecture will be marked absent. Absences are made up by completing the discussion requirements. The learning management system tracks asynchronous hours through an activity log. The log records a student’s time on a particular page or activity and can be pulled at any time for review. The absence of more than 10% of the course (more than two (2) class periods) may result in a student being placed on academic probation and is grounds for expulsion from the program. All absences must be made up before course completion. Participation Youwill be expected to participate in the Discussion sections. Ask questions, provide comments, and share yourexperiencesandknowledgewiththerestoftheclass.Yourparticipationinthisclassisrequired.Please visit “Netiquette” for details on proper participation in the Class Forum. Instructor Absence An email will inform the students of class cancellations and any assignments that must be completed before the next class if the instructor is absent. Every attempt will be made to provide a substitute rather than cancel aclass. StudentAbsence Thefollowingabsencesaretheonlyexcusedabsences.Studentsmustprovideproofofexcusedabsences: ● MedicalEmergency ● JuryDuty ● FamilyEmergency* ● Bereavement ● SubpoenaedCourtDates ● Naturalization/Citizenship Appointments ● MandatoryWorkOrientation ● ReserveDuty *If you are the sole responsible person for a child or dependent adult and there is a medical emergency, you mustprovidewrittendocumentationfromthephysician. Medical clearance must be provided to and approved by the program coordinator before the student can return to the clinical setting. ContinuingEducationCoursesAttendance-Tardiness-DropPolicy Please read this policy on our website as it differs from the above-stated policy. Make-upGuidelines The table Make-upAssignmentsDeadlinessummarizesthemake-upguidelinesperprogram.Allabsencesmust be made up within the period specified in the table or by the end of the course, whichever comes first. The student’s responsibility is to ensure that a make-up plan of action for each absence is completed within the period specified in the table and documented on the didactic make-up and clinical make-up form. All make-up forms must be wholly and accurately completed with all required signatures for all missed hours before the credit for make-up hours is granted. 155