Clinical 2 3 4 Didactic 1*** 2*** 3*** DA Clinical 1*** 2*** 3*** ADN, Didactic 1 3 4** LVN-RN, BSN, Clinical 1 3 4** LVN-BSN Didactic 2 3 4 A.O.S. in RC Clinical 0 1 1 A.O.S. in UT, Didactic/La 2* 3* 4* A.O.S. in CUT, b A.O.S. in VUT Clinical 2* 2* 3* A.S. in MRI, Didactic A.S. in PTA, A.S. in RT, 2 3 4 Clinical A.O.S. in RT, A.S. in NM, B.S. in RT Didactic 2 3 4 Clinical VN VN120 VN420 1 2 3 VN440 Online Course (see A.S. in VN below) Online Course (see B.S. in DMI below) RN-BSN, Online Course (see BSN-MSN below) Didactic DXA, 2 3 4 XTMAS Clinical *Thesenumbersareconsideredtobeperthree(3)consecutivecourses,notpercourse **Either in Didactic or Clinical or a total of both Didactic and Clinical ***These are total absences allowed for the entire program, either in Didactic or Clinical or a total of both Didactic and Clinical OnlineCoursesAttendance,Participation,andAbsences Attendance Attendance of this class is mandatory and under the school policy as printed in the current school catalog. Students’ attendance is tracked through the submission of online activities and assignments. Clock hour tracking for online courses may be accomplished in different ways. The student must log in on a specific date andtimetoparticipateinsynchronousactivities. The interaction is recorded for documentation. 154