CLASSSTANDING Undergraduatesareclassified by the number of credits (institutional and transfer) earned. Table 24. Class Standing SemesterCreditHours QuarterCreditHours Freshman:0-24 Freshman:0-37.49 Sophomore:25-48 Sophomore:37.5-73.49 Junior: 49-72 Junior: 73.5-109.49 Senior: >73 Senior: >109.5 ATTENDANCE–ABSENT–TARDINESS–DROP Students are expected to attend all classes as scheduled. All efforts should be made to attend all classes. If a student is absent due to illness or any other reason, they must notify Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts in advancewheneverpossible.Thestudent’sinstructormustapproveallabsences. Program lengths are calculated, excluding any holiday and vacation times. Class times may be rescheduled on an alternate day of the week (Sunday through Saturday) to ensure program completion is on time and the required hours are fulfilled. Absent ● Studentswhoarrivemorethan15minutesafterclassbegins. ● Studentswholeavemorethan15minutesbeforeclassends. ● Studentswhoreturnfromthebreakmorethan15minutesafterclassbegins. ● Three(3)tardiesareequivalenttoone(1)absence. Tardy ● Studentsthatarriveone(1)to15minutesafterclassbegins. ● Studentsleaveclassone(1)to15minutesbeforeclassends. ● Studentsreturnfrombreakone(1)to15minutesafterclassbegins. Drop ● Studentswhomissasignificantportionofanycoursewithinaprogramwillbeexpelled. ● Unexcused and excused absences without approval and completed make-up work cannot exceed 10%whentheRateofProgress/PassedMeasurementiscalculated. Please see the table Number of Unexcused Absences for more details. To find out how and when the Rate of Progress is calculated, contact your Student Service Representative. The table Number of Unexcused Absences outlines the number of unexcused absences per course (otherwise noted), resulting in various disciplinary measures. Table 25. Number of Unexcused Absences #ofAbsencesResulting #ofAbsencesresulting #ofAbsences Course Program in Student Warning in Disciplinary resulting in Type Notification Probation Expulsion Didactic 2* 3* 4* MA 153