Table 26. Make-up Assignments Deadlines Make-upPlanofAction Didactic Absence Make-up Clinical Absence Make-up Program Establishment Deadline for AssignmentDue AssignmentDue Clinical and Didactic Absences A.O.S. in UT, A.O.S. in CUT, Withinseven(7)days Within30Daysfromthe A.O.S. in VUT, upon ReturnfromAbsence.* DateofAbsence.* A.S. in MRI, Within30Daysfromthe VN DateofAbsence.* A.S. in PTA, Immediatelyupon Returnfrom Withinseven(7)Days DA, Absence. fromReturnofAbsence.* MA ADN, LVN-RN, A.S. in VN, BSN, Withinseven(7)daysupon Within14daysfromthe Within14daysfromthe LVN-BSN, return from Absence. dateofAbsence. dateofAbsence. RN-BSN, BSN-MSN, B.S. in DMI A.S. in RT, A.O.S. in RT, A.O.S. in RC, ImmediatelyuponReturnfrom Withinfive (5) Days from Bytheendofthecurrent A.S. in NM, Absence. ReturnofAbsence. externship course. B.S. in RT, DXA, XTMAS *Orbytheendofthecourse,whichevercomesfirst. Associate of Occupational Science in Respiratory Care Program (A.O.S. in RC) To meet the criteria for attendance and the specific course objectives, students must arrange make-up time for missed hours with the instructor for all instructor-approved absences. Make-up theory hours can include case studies, independent study, written examination, attendance at seminars or workshops, auto-tutorial laboratory, and research reports. Make-up clinical hours require scheduling additional time at the assigned facility with the assigned clinical instructor, and progression in the program will be permitted once reconciled. Associate of Science in Physical Therapist Assistant Program (A.S. in PTA) To meet the criteria for attendance and the specific course objectives, students must arrange a make-up time for missed hours with the instructor for all instructor-approved absences. Make-up theory hours can include case studies, independent studies, written examinations, attendance at seminars or workshops, auto-tutorial laboratory, and research reports—make-up clinical hours require scheduling additional time with the assigned clinical instructor at the facility. Vocational Nurse (VN) Program All Vocational Nurse students must complete all required theory and clinical hours to graduate. When possible, theinstructor must approve all absences in advance. Approval for all absences is at the instructor’s discretion. To meet the criteria for attendance and the specific course objectives, students must arrange a make-up time 156