This course provides knowledge of the principles of mechanics and musculoskeletal anatomy and how they relate to human motion and the field of physical therapy. The concepts of locomotion, forces, and levers are introduced. Topics include muscle origins, insertions, and actions. Laboratory experiences correlate to the lectures and include manual muscle testing and goniometry. Students will be expected to achieve competency on a given list of skills. Part 1 covers the lower extremity. Part II covers theupperextremity. This course is aligned by a body system with PTA 220. PTA130–Pathology–44ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course provides knowledge of disease processes, systemic disorders, guidelines, precautions, and contraindications for physical therapy interventions. PTA210–ProceduresIIwithlab–66ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Term 1 with “C” or better. This course introduces the use and application of physical agents, soft tissue interventions, and electrotherapies in physical therapy. The practice of treatment techniques is emphasized through laboratory time. Students will beexpectedtoachievecompetencyonagivenlistofskills. PTA220–OrthopedicManagement–66ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Term 1 with “C” or better. This course prepares the PTA student to address orthopedic-related conditions commonly seen in Physical Therapy. Basic exercise principles and their application are covered with laboratory discussion, demonstration, andpractice. Students will be expected to achieve competency on a given list of skills. Part 1 covers the lower extremity, and Part II covers the upper extremity. This course is aligned by a body system with PTA 120. PTA222–PatientCareSkillsI–22ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHour Prerequisite: Completion of Term 1 with “C” or better. This lab course emphasizes the practical combination of patient pathologies covered in concurrent and previous courses. Students develop interventions from case scenarios and plans of care. Group participation and student-to-student assistance fostering communication and independence are encouraged to prepare for the comingclinical experience. Students develop clinical problem-solving skills in orthopedic conditions, modalities, patient handling, therapeutic exercise, and other pathologies presented. Students will be expected to achieve competencyonagivenlistofskills. PTA225–ClinicalEducationI–184ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Term 2 didactic coursework with “C” or better. This is the first integrated clinical experience allowing students to further their exposure to physical therapy practice in the clinical environment and apply those skills that the student has tested proficient in before the clinical experience and that the Clinical Instructor deems appropriate. Students will be at the clinical facility full-time for four (4) weeks and three (3) days. PTA226–ClinicalEducationISeminar–11ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHour Prerequisite: Completion of PTA 225 with “Pass.” This course includes case study presentations and reviewing the first full-time clinical experience, including billing, reimbursement, and discharge planning. PTA230–ProfessionalBehaviors–33ClockHours/3QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Term 1 with “C” or better. This course introduces the concept of a multicultural society and how it plays an increased role in the physical therapy clinic. Topics include communication skills, the psychology of disability, health disparities between populations, age differences, ethics and values, and professional development within the healthcare system. 286

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