PTA233–PatientCareSkillsII–22ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHour Prerequisite: Completion of PTA 226 with “C” or better. This lab course addresses the more complex patient. Case scenarios are used for students to develop skills in applying interventions following the Plan of Care of the supervising physical therapist. Concentration is on the progression and regression of exercises responding to patient performance. Casestudieswill demonstrate the PT/PTA relationship and the PTA’s responsibility for the Plan of Care. Group participation and student-to-student assistance fostering communication and independence are encouraged to prepareforthecomingclinicalexperience. PTA235–ClinicalEducationII–240ClockHours/8QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Term 3 didactic coursework with “C” or better. This is the second integrated clinical experience designed to allow the student to further their exposure to physical therapy practice in the clinical environment and apply those skills that the student has tested proficient in before the clinical experience and that the Clinical Instructor deems appropriate. Students will be at the clinical facility full-time for six (6) weeks. PTA240–AppliedNeurology–66ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of PTA 226 with “C” or better. This course builds on neurologically based disabilities commonly seen in physical therapy practice across the lifespan. Commontherapeuticinterventions for rehabilitation are practiced. The chronic nature of neurologic conditions and their effect on the individual’s life will be addressed as they affect the provision of physical therapy. Students will be expected to achieve competency on a given list of skills. PTA245–ClinicalEducationIII–280ClockHours/9QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of PTA 280 with “Pass.” This is the third and terminal clinical experience designed to allow the student to further their exposure to physical therapy practice in the clinical environment and apply those skills that the student has tested proficient in before the clinical experience and that the Clinical Instructor deems appropriate. Students will be at the clinical facility full-time for seven (7) weeks. PTA250–PhysicalTherapyAspectsofGrowth,Development,andAging–44ClockHours/3QuarterCredit Hours Prerequisite: Completion of PTA 226 with “C” or better. This course covers relevant topics and interventions that deal with delivering physical therapy services across thelifespan, including the aging population as a normal process and the common pathologies associated with aging. Emphasis is placed on Cardiovascular and Respiratory conditions, fall prevention, and wound care. PTA260–SelectedTopics–44ClockHours/3QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of PTA 226 with “C” or better. This course consists of selected topics in physical therapy to complement prior coursework—required content in Prosthetics and genitourinary conditions. Additional clinical topics may include vestibular, chronic pain, taping, ergonomics, and other contemporary issues encountered in physical therapy delivery systems. PTA280–SeniorSeminar–33ClockHours/3QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of PTA 235 with “Pass.” This course brings the PTA student’s educational and clinical experience full circle. Each student will demonstratethePTAasaneducatorbypresentingateachingunitrelatedtoanareaofinteresttopreparefor thein-service required during the final clinical experience. Students will explore the effective delivery of physical therapy services. Psychomotor, cognitive, affective, treatment approaches, communication, and documentationwillbediscussedregardingpatientcare. 287

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