Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 401. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course addresses theories and principles of psychiatric nursing. Biopsychosocial foundations of behavior, communication, and psychopharmacology are emphasized. Patient relationships and the use of effective and ineffective communication are addressed. The course studies the nurse’s role in the prevention and early identification of psychiatric disorders of children, adolescents, adults, and older adults and the treatment modalities of mental illness and organic brain syndromes. RN401–MentalHealthClinical–90ClockHours/2SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 400. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course is taught at clinical sites, applying theory into clinical practice in the care of selected patients who may experience psychological stress, neurobiological disorders, and high-risk situations such as homelessness, family violence, child abuse, HIV, and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Students apply the nursing process to optimize patient outcomes. RN402–Medical/Surgical IV Theory – Complex Med/Surg & Leadership –45ClockHours/3SemesterCredit Hours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 403. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course incorporates previous medical-surgical nursing theory emphasizing the integration of pathophysiology, nutrition, pharmacology, and psychosocial components of safe and individualized care for patients with complex medical-surgical health disruptions. Focus on holistic care for burns, heart failure, acute respiratory distress, shock, multiple organ dysfunction, and traumatic brain injury. Leadership and management in nursing are explored as they relate to managing complex medical-surgical health alterations. RN403–Medical/Surgical IV Clinical – Complex Med/Surg & Leadership–90ClockHours/2SemesterCredit Hours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 402. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course is taught at a clinical site, integrating the practical application of advanced medical/surgical theory to care for selected patients with multiple health disruptions. Students apply the nursing process to optimize patient outcomes. Associate of Science in Physical Therapy Assistant (A.S. in PTA) Courses – Blended Program PTA100–IntroductiontoPhysicalTherapistAssistant–22ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces the Physical Therapist Assistant’s role and scope of practice. Emphasis will be on educational preparation, a historical overview of physical therapy in the healthcare system, professional affiliations, structure and function of physical therapy services, ethical and legal issues in healthcare, documentation,andcommunication.Thiscoursealsoincludesanintroductiontoaself-studyprogramin medicalterminologyandHIPAAregulationstraining. PTA110–FundamentalPTAprocedureswithlab–77ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course begins with patient handling skills and the continuation of documentation. Students practice and developskills in gathering data for documentation necessary for assessing patient response to physical therapy while under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist. Students will acquire skills in data collection, tests and measurements, patient handling, assistive devices, guarding, transfers, and range of motion. PTA120–ClinicalKinesiologywithlab–77ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None 285