equipmentoperation,andqualitycontrol. Emphasis is placed on digital imaging and radiographic, fluoroscopic, mobile, and tomographic equipment requirements and design, incorporating basic knowledge of quality control. This course will include outside-of-school preparation hours such as reading and writing assignments, practice and practical application assignments, and projects. XRT217–RadiologicTechnologySeminarII–80ClockHours/8.0QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of XRT 216 with a “C” or better. In this course, students are taught concepts and skills to assist them in preparation for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® (ARRT®) Radiography certification examination. Topics include professional certification and licensure, patient care, radiographic procedures, radiographic protection, image production andevaluation, equipmentoperation,andqualitycontrol. Emphasis is placed on patient care, imaging procedures, and radiation safety and protection. This course will include outside-of-school preparation hours such as reading and writing assignments, practice and practical application assignments, and projects. Associate of Occupational Science in Ultrasound Technology (A.O.S. in UT) Courses – Blended Program UT200–UltrasoundPhysicsandInstrumentation–62ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of GE 112 with a “C” or better. This course teaches the fundamentals of ultrasound physics and instrumentation. The material heightens the educational experience of the future sonographer and prepares students for the SPI exam with the ARDMS. UT201–SectionalAnatomy–48ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of GE 021 with a “C” or better. This course introduces cross-sectional human anatomy as seen in sonograms and other imaging modalities. Cross-sectional anatomy emphasizes the physical relationship of structures, which is the basis of understanding sonographic images. Cross-sectional anatomy is the first building block to understanding what is required when performing ultrasound images. Students will learn to recognize different organs, muscles, vessels, and other bodypartsintheirrelationship. An interactive computer program will be used as a teaching tool. UT301–PatientCareforUltrasoundProfessional–12ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of courses in preceding modules with a “C” or better. Thecoursegivesstudentsanoverviewofthesonographyprofessionandbasicpatientcare.Thiscourseteaches theessential role sonography and the sonographer play in medicine. The ARDMS “Sonography Principles and Instrumentation” exam consists of 10% patient care, which this course will thoroughly prepare the student to pass. UT302–AbdominalSonography1–84ClockHours/8QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I and II courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all ModuleIIIUTdidacticorlaboratorycourses. This course introduces the anatomy and basic protocols that pertain to ultrasound examinations of the abdominalorgans.Thiscourseestablishesfoundationsforscanningtechniques,protocols,andpatientbody habitus variations. Students learn the sonographer’s role in diagnosing diseases of the abdominal organs by understandingthecriteria for “normal.” UT302L–LaboratoryAbdominalSonography1–84ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I and II courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all ModuleIIIUTdidacticorlaboratorycourses. 264