This course is concurrent with the lecture portion of Abdominal Sonography 1. Students will practice the protocols and scanning techniques within the lab. This course will set the foundation of protocols to build on themwithadvancedtechniquestaughtinothercourses. UT303–SmallPartsSonography1–28ClockHours/2.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I and II courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all ModuleIIIUTdidacticorlaboratorycourses. Small Parts Sonography 1 course covers complete breast sonography and the basics of thyroid, parathyroid, neckglands,scrotum,andprostatesonography.Studentswilllearnthebasicnormalanatomy,scanning techniques, and expectations of a sonographer when performing these exams. UT303L–LaboratorySmallPartsSonography1–28ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHour Prerequisites: Completion of Module I and II courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all ModuleIIIUTdidacticorlaboratorycourses. This course covers the basics of thyroid, parathyroid, neck glands, and scrotum sonography. Students will also learn proper annotation regarding all organs and the breast. Students will learn the basic normal anatomy, scanning techniques, and expectations of a sonographer when performing these exams. Patient care skills will betaught.Thereisascrotalphantominthelabthatstudentscanusetoscan.Thiswillenablethemtopractice scanning techniques and recognize pathology (scrotal phantom). UT304–SmallPartsSonography2–12ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHour Prerequisites: Completion of Module I and II courses with a “C” or better. This course focuses on the common diseases that affect the thyroid, scrotum, and prostate. Students will learn to correlate lab tests and other modalities to assist physicians with correct diagnosis and ultrasound imaging. Students will learn to present normal vs. abnormal and what is required when writing a report. Interventional proceduressuchasbiopsiesandbrachytherapywillbecoveredasultrasound’srolewitheachexam.Patient care techniques will be addressed with each type of exam. UT304L–LaboratorySmallPartsSonography2–12ClockHours/0.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I and II courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all ModuleIIIUTdidacticorlaboratorycourses. This course focuses on advanced scanning techniques of the thyroid and the scrotum using a phantom. The Dopplerevaluationanditsuseindiagnosingmultiplediseaseprocesseswillbecovered.SIMTICSisrequiredin thelabtopracticeprotocolsandrecognizepathology.Breastpathologywillbereviewedinclass. UT402–AbdominalSonography2–68ClockHours/6.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, and III courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all ModuleIVUTdidacticorlaboratorycourses. Abdominal Sonography 2 is a progression of UT 302-Abdominal Sonography 1. This course builds on the foundations set in the instruction process of protocols and scanning techniques. The students will learn additional anatomy pertinent to sonographic imaging along with skills in the diagnostic process. The common disease processes of each organ will be covered with instructions on identifying and presenting suspected diseases and disease processes using other diagnostic tools such as patient history, lab results, and correlation with other imaging modalities. Doppler of the abdominal vessels will be taught as a tool to discover and prove disease processes of organs. UT402L–LaboratoryAbdominalSonography2–68ClockHours/3QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, and III courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all ModuleIVUTdidacticorlaboratorycourses. This course builds on the foundations of protocols and scanning techniques in instruction. The students will learn additional anatomy pertinent to sonographic imaging and skills in the diagnostic process. The common 265