XRT212–Cross-SectionalAnatomy–30ClockHours/3.0QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of XRT 210 with a “C” or better. This course introduces the basic principles of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, and sectional anatomy. The history of CT/MR, current equipment and practices, radiation protection specific to CT, and the anatomic appearance of various structures in a cross-sectional reference will be discussed. This course will include outside-of-school preparation hours such as reading and writing assignments, practice and practical application assignments, and projects. XRT213–ClinicalPracticeXI–160ClockHours/5.0QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of XRT 212 with a “C” or better. In this course, each content and clinical practice experience is designed for sequential development, application, critical analysis, integration, synthesis, and evaluation of concepts and theories in the performance of radiologic procedures. Through structured, sequential, competency-based assignments in a clinical setting, concepts of team practice, patient-centered clinical practice, and professional development are discussed, examined,andevaluated. Clinical practice experiences are designed to provide patient care and assessment, competent performance of radiologic imaging, and total quality management. Competency levels and outcomes measurement ensure the patient’s well-being preparatory to, during, and following the radiologic procedure. XRT214–ClinicalPracticeXII–160ClockHours/5.0QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of XRT 213 with a “C” or better. In this course, each content and clinical practice experience is designed for sequential development, application, critical analysis, integration, synthesis, and evaluation of concepts and theories in the performance of radiologic procedures. Through structured, sequential, competency-based assignments in a clinical setting, concepts of team practice, patient-centered clinical practice, and professional development are discussed, examined,andevaluated. Clinical practice experiences are designed to provide patient care and assessment, competent performance of radiologic imaging, and total quality management. Competency levels and outcomes measurement ensure the patient’s well-being preparatory to, during, and following the radiologic procedure. XRT215C–ComputedTomography–40ClockHours/4.0QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of XRT 212 with a “C” or better. This course provides entry-level radiography students with principles related to computed tomography (CT) imaging. Special emphasis is placed on a study of the head and brain, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee. Correlations between cadaver cross-sections, CTs, MRIs, and radiographs are explored. CT Basics: The Series by ASRT utilized with the course satisfies the ARRT® 16-credit structures education requirements for CT. XRT215M–Mammography–40ClockHours/4.0QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of XRT 212 with a “C” or better. This course provides radiography students with the principles related to mammography. Topics include patient care, anatomy and physiology of the breast, positioning for routine and diagnostic exams, pathology, mammographyequipment,qualitycontrol,andqualityassurancefordigitalimagingsystems. XRT216–RadiologicTechnologySeminarI–80ClockHours/8.0QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of XRT 214 with a “C” or better. This course teaches students the concepts and skills to prepare for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® (ARRT) Radiography certification examination. Topics include professional certification and licensure, patient care, radiographic procedures, radiographic protection, image production and evaluation, 263