Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts will review each submitted transcript or official documentation to determine if any prior training may be utilized as transfer credit into a program. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts will documentthereviewinwriting,andacopyofthedeterminationwillbegiventotheapplicant. The transcripts or other official documentation, the written Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts review, and determination will become a part of the student’s official Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts academic record andsubjecttoallpolicies and regulations concerning academic records. VATransferCredit If transfer credit is granted to a VA-eligible applicant, the portion of the replaced program is not eligible for certification for VA benefits. The applicable part of the program substituted is not billable to the student, VA, or anyotheragency. VA-Specific Academic Requirements of Eligibility VA-eligible students must maintain Satisfactory Progress in their program to maintain benefits eligibility. Students not receiving a minimum grade of C in any course will be referred for remediation a maximum of three (3) times. VA Benefits will be terminated if the student is expelled from the program. For more information, please read our Academic Probation/Remediation policy in the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts catalog. Additional Responsibilities for VA Eligible Applicants Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts does not determine any eligibility for VA benefits. The eligible applicant must complete all VA applications and requirements with the VA and receive VA approval before Gurnick Academy of MedicalArtsacceptsanyexpectedVAfundsaspartofatuitionpaymentplan. Receipt of VA Additional Notices The VA requires that all VA-eligible applicants receive a copy of the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts Catalog, including the AddendumandGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsdocumentssuchasdisclosures. MaximumTimeframe VA benefits are paid for 100% of the published program length and not up to 150% of the maximum timeframe. AIDDISBURSEMENT&SATISFACTORYACADEMICPROGRESS(SAP) All federal aid is paid in two disbursements over an award year. The first financial aid disbursement usually occurs within the first 30 (thirty) days of the program’s start date. Each disbursement after the first is contingent upon students meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements. In addition, students must complete both the clock or credit hours and the weeks in the payment period to receive the subsequent disbursementinnon-termprograms. For term programs, SAP is monitored at the end of each term. In non-term programs, SAP measurements are completed attheendofeachpaymentperiodwhenthestudent’sclockorcredithourshaveelapsed,regardless of whether the student attended them. The Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts SAP policy is available at Pell, FSEOG, IASG, Direct Loans, and PLUS Loans are disbursed once per pay period. Federal Work-Study funds must be earned as the student works and received as wages through the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts payroll office. Cal Grants are disbursed by quarter; each grant comes in three (3) payments. Before a financial aid disbursement, the Financial Aid Advisor must check the student’s status to ensure that the student is not in LOA status. For PLUS loans, the Financial Aid Advisor will check the parent’s status with NSLDS to confirm that the parent is not in default nor owes a refund of federal grant funds before each disbursement. 108