For full information on Sallie Mae Student Loans, go to COLLEGEAVE College Ave is our newest lending partner. College Ave is a private student loan company known for its simple application, helpful tools, and customer service. TheCollegeAveCareerLoanoffers 1. 16possiblerepaymentcombinations,includingafixedorvariableinterestrate,repaymenttime,and repaymentoptionsrangingfromfulldeferraltoimmediaterepayment. 2. Noorigination fees and no prepayment penalty. 3. Applywithacreditworthycosigner. Acosignermayhelploweryourinterestrate andgiveyouabetter chanceofapproval. 4. Loweryourrate. Receivea0.25%interestratereductionwhileenrolledtomakescheduledpaymentsby automaticdebit. 5. Success Rewards. $150 credit towards the principal balance upon graduation from your program of study. 6. PayeeRewards.Cash-backrewardsprogramtowardspaymentofyourloan. TheCollegeAveParent/SponsorLoanoffers 1. Eligible Borrower. The borrower can be a parent or any creditworthy individual who would like to borrowonbehalfofthestudent. 2. Choosebetweenacompetitivevariableorafixedinterestrate. 3. Noorigination fees and no prepayment penalty. 4. Loweryourrate. Receivea0.25%interestratereductionwhenyouenrolltomakescheduledpayments byautomaticdebit. 5. PayceRewards.Cashbackrewardsprogramtowardspaymentofyourloan. VETERANSBENEFITS&VETERANSADMINISTRATIONAPPLICANTSADDITIONAL INFORMATION Applications for Veterans’ benefits may be obtained by contacting the Veterans Administration. Approval of training benefits to be awarded is the responsibility of the Veterans Administration. Additional requirements are placed upon the institution and the applicant to achieve and maintain VA eligibility and utilize their VA benefits. Applicants eligible for VA benefits to Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts must comply with the items included in this section and all Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts institutional policies. Students may check their GI Bill® eligibility at GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official U.S. government website at VAReviewofPriorTrainingforTransferCredit Before acceptance, any VA-eligible applicant must provide Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts an academic transcript or any other official documentation of all previous training. 107