ALLSTUDENTS MaximumTimeframe All students who receive financial aid must complete their program within 150 percent of the normal program length, as measured in either credit hours for term programs or calendar time for non-term programs. If they exceed the maximum timeframe, they are subject to the loss of financial aid, which can be appealed following theprocedureoutlinedbelow. Students who are academically expelled from one program and wish to transfer to another program at Gurnick Academy must submit a written appeal according to the terms outlined below. Admission to the new program requires the approval of the program director and the director of financial aid. If the appeal is granted, the student will be admitted to the new program on an Academic Plan status and must follow the terms of the academicplanprovidedtothem. AppealandReinstatement Students who have lost financial aid eligibility for failure to maintain satisfactory progress will be notified in writing of the cancellation of financial aid. Students with mitigating circumstances wishing to appeal the financial aid cancellation may do so in writing to the Financial Aid Office. Mitigating circumstances may include but are not limited to illness or injury of the student or immediate family member, death of a relative, or other special circumstances. The Director of Financial Aid and Campus Program Director will evaluate the appeal and determinewhetherthestudentmaycontinuereceivingfinancialaidonanAcademicPlanstatus. Thestudent’sappealmustincludethefollowing: 1) ThereasonwhythestudentfailedtomeettheSAPstandard(s)AND 2) Whathaschangedinthestudent’ssituationsothattheywillnowbeabletomeet theSAPstandardsAND 3) Supporting documentation, as applicable. If an appeal is granted and financial aid is reinstated, the student will receive aid on an Academic Plan status. A student with this status must regain SAP standing by the point specified in the academic plan; the terms will be included in the notice forwarded to the student when the appeal is granted. The terms will generally require students to meet or exceed the attendance requirements, pass all courses with a “C” or better, and may include additional elements needed, such as tutoring. The student’s progress will be reviewed each month based on the Academic Plan. At the end of the payment period, if a student fails to meet the requirements of the Academic Plan, they will become ineligible for financial aid. The Academic Plan is structured to assist the student in regaining SAP status by a projected time, generally staying within the maximum time frame. Students are limited to one appeal during their education at Gurnick Academy, regardless of the reason or other circumstances. If a student regains SAP status, they may appeal one (1) additional time. Credit Balance Refunds Therefundwillbeissued30daysfromthestartdateofthecreditbalanceonthestudent’saccount. TERM-BASEDPROGRAMS All withdrawals, incompletes, and repetitions are considered when determining Satisfactory Academic Progress. Incompletes and withdrawals are not considered as credits completed. Transfer credits are counted as attempted and earned credits but do not affect the GPA. Nontraditional awarding of credit, including credit by 109