exam and credit for life experience, is counted as both attempted and earned credits but does not affect the GPA. Satisfactory progress standards apply to all students, regardless of enrollment status (full-time, 3/4 time, 1/2time,orlessthan1/2time).Allcredithoursastudenthasincurredafinancialobligationareconsidered. Students are considered in good standing if they have at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) and meet the quantitative measure. The required pace or percentage of credit hours completed versus the attemptedhoursmustbeatleast67%.Accountabilitystartswiththestudent’sentrydateattheinstitution. Students who do not meet the required standards of SAP will receive a warning notice. While on a warning status, students are eligible to receive financial aid. Students still below standards for a second term will have their aid canceled. Students may appeal the loss of financial aid under the abovementioned appeal policy. All withdrawals and incompletes are considered when determining Satisfactory Academic Progress but do not impact the GPA. Courses for which a student has received a grade of Incomplete are counted as attempted but not completed. Transfer hours reduce the length of the scheduled program hours at Gurnick but do not impact theSAPmeasurements.Allhoursforwhichastudenthasincurredafinancialobligationareconsidered. NON-TERMPROGRAMS Students are considered in good standing if they have at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the scheduled end of each payment period (qualitative measure) and also meet the quantitative measure to ensure the student can graduate by the scheduled maximum timeframe, 150% of the program. The required pace or percentage of clock hours completed (quantitative measure) is determined as follows: A student must complete a minimum number of scheduled hours of each payment period that varies by program per the attendancepolicy. This information can be found in the chart below. Satisfactory Academic Progress is reviewed at the end of each payment period in all non-term-based programs, both clock and non-term credit hours. If a student does not meet the SAP requirements at the scheduled end of a payment period, the student’s financial aid eligibility is terminated, subject to appeal, as outlined in the policy above. NON-TERMPROGRAMSQUANTITATIVEMEASUREMENTCHART MINIMUMHRS HOURSINTHE PROGRAM TOBECOMPLETED PAYMENTPERIOD Theseprogramsareofferedinclockhours,andthepaymentperiodsaredefinedinclockhours. VN 442 450 XTMAS 442 450 AOSUT 442 450 AOSVUT 442 450 ASMRI 442 450 ASNM 442 450 ASPTA 442 450 AOSRT 442 450 ASRT 442 450 Theseprogramsareofferedincredithours,andthepaymentperiodsaredefinedincredithours. MA 16 18 DA 16 18 Disbursementsfornon-termprogramsaremadefollowingtheSAPevaluationandthedisbursementreview. Students must meettheSAPrequirementsandcompletetheclockorcredithoursandweeksinthepayment period for the scheduled disbursement to be made. 110