ACADEMICINTEGRITY Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts students must maintain integrity in all academic pursuits. These include writing papers, examinations, assignments, records, and other details relative to the assessment of student performance. Integrity and honesty are essential qualities of all medical workers. The faculty does not want dishonest students since that attitude and perspective risk patients’ health and lives. Any dishonesty regarding these matters is subject to censure or penalty (including but not limited to expulsion) proportionately to the seriousness of the action. Dishonesty includes: ● Copyinganswersofanotherpersonorindividualsduringanexamination, ● Secreting(hiding)unauthorizedmaterialstoassistinanexamination, ● Plagiarism, taking as one’s original statements those of another without giving due credit to the author, even though such material may have been restated in one’s own words, ● Fraudulently obtaining test information, falsifying records, transcripts, recommendations, or other documentsindicativeofstudentqualifications. Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsalsoconsidersthefollowingseriousbreachesofintegrity: ● Falsification of patient records. ● Breachofpatientconfidentiality. ● Takingpropertyordrugsfromclinicalsitesorpatients. ● Felonyconvictions. ● Endangeringpatientsduetopsychologicalimpairmentorintoxicationwithalcoholordrugs. ● Falsification of assignments to be conducted on patients or community members. ● Havingsomeoneelsecompleteyourwrittentasksandsubmittingthemasyourwork. Proportionally, the seriousness of the action, censure, and penalty may extend from a failing grade of the work in question to expulsion from the program. Ordinarily, resolving the issues lies with the faculty member and the student. ● “Statement on Cheating and Plagiarism: Cheating includes all actions by a student intended to gain an unearned academic advantage by fraud or deception. Plagiarism is a form of cheating that misuses published and unpublished works by misrepresenting the material used as one’s original work. Plagiarism includes using books, articles, class notes, web sources, & audiovisual resources. Penalties for cheating and plagiarism range from a “0” or “F” on an assignment, a course grade of “F,” and school expulsion.” ● “Statement on Disruptive Classroom Behavior: In the classroom or laboratory environment, you must respect the rights of others seeking to learn, respect the instructor’s professionalism, and honor the differences of viewpoints. Student conduct which disrupts the learning process shall not betoleratedandmayleadtodisciplinaryactionandremovalfromclass.” ● “Syllabus is Subject to Change: This syllabus and schedule are subject to change due to extenuating circumstances. If you are absent from class, you must check on announcements made while absent.” Professional Behavior Objectives 1. DemonstrateProfessionalBehavior. ● Appear at the clinical agency, whether for patient assignment or care, appropriately dressed(namepinandSchoolbadge),consistentwiththeagencydresscode. 147