● Presentaprofessionalappearanceconcerningneatnessandpersonalhygiene. ● Arrive at the clinical setting on time and notify staff and instructor(s) when leaving or returning to patient care or the agency. ● Notify the clinical agency and instructor promptly when unable to report to the clinical assignment. ● Notify the instructor of any physical or psychological conditions limiting the ability to performsafe,effective care. ● Reportforclinicalintoxication with alcohol and mind-altering drugs. ● Do not discriminate against the clients based on race, creed, national origin, physical disability, sexual preference, or disease entity. ● Actcourteouslytowardsstaff,interdisciplinary team members, and faculty. ● Avoidusingprofanelanguagewithclientsandstaff. 2. Provide Safe Care Based on Scientific Principles ● Prepareforclientcarebyacquiringtheoryandknowledgeessentialtothecareofassigned clients (e.g., prepare drug cards, calculate drug dosages, describe the treatment, research procedures, etc.). ● Implement safe carebasedonscientificprinciples(e.g., asepsis, physical and psychological injury protection, correct medicine, and administration). 3. DemonstrateEthicalBehavior ● Maintainconfidentialityofall client, family, and agency information. ● Informtheinstructorandstaffofanyunsafepracticesobservedintheclinicalsetting. Failure to comply with these objectives will result in a failing grade for the work in question or expulsion from theprogram. PROGRAMDELIVERY The instructional delivery for Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts programs is either a blended format or full-distance education. For blended programs (A.O.S. in RC, A.O.S. in RT, A.O.S in CUT, A.O.S in VUT, A.O.S. in UT, A.S. in MRI, A.S. in PTA, A.S. in Nursing, A.S. in VN, A.S. in RT, A.S. in NM, B.S. in Nursing, DA, DXA, MA, XTMAS, VN), clinical/practicum hours are completed at an assigned clinical site(s). Simultaneously, lectures and labs may be held in a distance education format or on campus through direct classroom instruction. The A.S. in NM, B.S. in DMI, B.S. in RT, and MSN programs are full distance education. Limited online and hybrid courses are available for prerequisite courses. ELECTRONICBOOKS Disbursementsfornon-termprogramsaremadefollowingtheSAPevaluationandthedisbursementreview. Students must meettheSAPrequirementsandcompletetheclockorcredithoursandweeksinthepayment period for the scheduled disbursement to be made. Educational materials, including books, are distributed both digitally and physically. While the primary methods involve digital distribution, physical books are available through specific programs. Per federal regulations set by the U.S. Department of Education, students are not required to use electronic books (e-books) and may request to opt out of any e-book services. For further details regarding the opt-out process, timeline, and booklists, please see an Admission Advisor or the Program Director. 148