GENERALEDUCATION,TECHNICALEDUCATION&PROFESSIONALEDUCATION General Education courses are required of all students pursuing an Associate or Bachelor level program. General Education courses are identified by italic letters and numbers. General Education prepares students to think broadly and have the general skills for life needed in the ever-changing world. General Education courses assist students in building a foundation for Technical and Professional Education and developing habits to pursue lifelong learning. Technical Education within the concentration for which the degree is awarded is designed to assist students in developing the skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary for immediate job opportunities in their chosen field of study. Furthermore, Technical Education allows students to be technically prepared upon graduation and developlifelong learning habits. Professional education requires students to think critically and master complex knowledge and skills through formal education and practical experience. Professional education is subject to strict codes of conduct, enshrining rigorous ethical and moral obligations. Professional standards of practice and ethics for a particular field are typically agreed upon and maintained through widely recognized professional associations. General education requirements may vary among programs. Some programs may require taking General Education courses, advancing to technical and professional courses, or being accepted. Others may intersperse general education throughout the program. ENGLISHINSTRUCTION Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsdoesnotofferEnglishasaSecondLanguage.AllinstructionoccursinEnglish. STANDARDSOFSATISFACTORYACADEMICPROGRESS For students to be considered in good academic standing, they must be making Satisfactory Progress while pursuing their program of study. Students must achieve a level of competence in all didactic and laboratory coursework. The clinical environment is consistent with the expertise required to pass the licensing exams. Satisfactory Progress measurements consist of Qualitative and Quantitative Measurements. Qualitative and Quantitative Measurements are measured when the student has attended the scheduled clock hours of each payment and after each program-required module. The Grade Point Average and the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurementarethencalculated. Qualitative Measurements The Qualitative Measurement portion consists of a student’s grades, calculated into a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). The GPA is calculated on a weighted scale, using course hours and quality points based on the course’s final grade. The GPA is the calculated average course grades for the entire program. A student must maintain a minimumGPAof2.00ora“C”tobeconsideredtobemakingSatisfactoryProgress. Students must obtain 75% in module I, 77% in module II, and 80% in modules III and IV for the Vocational Nurseprogram. Students must obtain an 80% (B) in each course for the Master of Nursing Nurse program. 149