For courses that are paired, students must successfully pass both courses. A failure in one of the courses constitutes a failure in the paired course(s). Both courses will have to be retaken at the same time. Thegradingsystemisdefinedasfollowsforallprograms. Table 22. Qualitative Measurements. Letter Grade NumericGrade Description Legend Quality Points A 90–100% Excellent 4 B 80–89% Good 3 C 75–79% Satisfactory 2 D 65–74% Unsatisfactory 1 F 0–64% Failure 0 P Pass (Clinical) N/A — F Fail (Clinical) N/A — W Withdrawn 0 — I Incomplete 0 — R Repeat N/A — T Transfer Credit N/A — TO Tested Out N/A — The student GPA calculation is weighted based on the number of quality points earned. Quality points earned are determined by the number of hours assigned to a particular course multiplied by the quality points awarded for the letter grade earned in this course. The total quality points are divided by the total hours completedtodeterminetheGPA. For example, a course is defined as being 24 clock hours, and the final grade received is a “C.” The chart above illustrates that the “C” grade is worth 2.00 quality points. For a 24-hour course, the total number of quality points awarded would be 24 times 2.00 or 48 total quality points. The total calculated quality points are then divided by the number of clock hours completed to determine the GPA. Didactic and laboratory courses with grades of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” and “F” enter into the GPA calculation. Courses with grades of “A,” “B,” “C,” and “D” are also included in the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement calculation as hours attempted and as hours earned. Didactic and laboratory courses with an F grade are also included in the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement calculation as hours attempted but not as hours earned. A “P” grade is given for courses designated as pass/fail. A grade of “P” does not enter into the GPA calculation. A grade of “P” is included in the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement calculation as attempted and earned hours. 150