An “F” grade is given for courses designated as pass/fail and does not enter into the GPA calculation. A clinical course with an “F” grade is included in the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement calculation as hours attemptedbutnotashoursearned. A “W” grade is listed on the transcript for any course a student formally withdraws from before the scheduled course ends. Grades of “W” are not entered into the GPA calculation. A grade of “W” is included in the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurementcalculationathoursattemptedbutnotashoursearned. An “I” grade is listed on the transcript for courses that have not been completed. A grade of “I” indicates that the student was in attendance for the entire term but has not completed all necessary coursework or homework to receive a punitive grade. Should missing coursework not be made up within the required time frame, the grade of “I” will be replaced with an “F.” Should a student receive a grade of “I” and successfully undergo the remediation process, the course grade will be changed to “C.” Should a student receive a grade of I and not be placed on remediation, the course grade will be changed to a punitive grade. A grade of “I” does not enter into the GPA calculation. A grade of “I” is included in the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement calculation as attempted but not earned credits. An “R” grade is given if a student repeats a course. The grade received in the most recent course completion will be used to calculate the GPA. Upon receiving a punitive grade for the repeated course, the original grade will be changed to an “R.” A grade of “R” is not entered into the GPA calculation. A grade of “R” is used to calculate the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement as attempted and hours earned. A “T” grade is listed on the transcript for any course a student took at another institution accepted by Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Courses with a grade of “T” are listed on the transcript to identify courses accepted into the program of study to satisfy graduation requirements. A grade of “T” does not enter into the GPA calculation. A grade of “T” is not included in the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement calculation as hours attemptedorearned. A “TO” grade is listed on the transcript for any course successfully tested out of at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. A grade of “TO” does not enter into the GPA calculation. A “TO” grade is included in the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurementcalculationasattemptedandearnedhours. Quantitative Measurements The Quantitative Measurement portion consists of a student’s satisfactorily completed program hours, as by a Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement calculation. The Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement is the percentageofcompletedhoursoverattemptedhours. The Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement has two components: theattemptedandactualhoursearned.The actual hours earned are divided by the attempted hours to determine the student’s Progress/Passed measurementrate. The maximum timeframeforcompletingprogramsofstudyatGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsis150%ofthe scheduled program length. Programs are measured in both clock and credit hours. However, clock hours will calculate the maximum time frame and the Rate of Progress/Passed Measurement. Periods of non-enrollment are not considered in calculating the maximum time frame. Any student who has not reached program completion by the maximum time frame will be expelled from Gurnick Academy of MedicalArts. Table 23. Quantitative Measurements 151

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