ResonanceImagingPrograms,thereisanadditionaloption: 1. Students may also continue the training by modifying clinical assignments. This option means the student would choose to delay clinical assignments and competencies in areas high in potential hazardous exposure. However, to accomplish this, the training may need to be extended. The student must make up all missed clinical and didactic hours and complete all the necessary competencies. The student will present a letter from a physician releasing the student to continue training. There is an additional option for students in the Dental Assistant, Associate of Science in Radiologic Technology, andAssociateofOccupationalSciencein Radiologic Technology: Students have the right to undeclare their pregnancies. Modifications will be determined on an individual basis per programmatic completion requirements. STUDENTBEREAVEMENT Recognizing that grief is challenging, every effort will ensure that a bereaved student can attend to family matters. The student will provide documentation of the death or funeral service to the Program Coordinator. A designated School Official will inform the student’s instructors of the student’s leave. ImmediateFamily Students are eligible for up to three (3) days of excused absence over five (5) consecutive calendar days for the death of a spouse, domestic partner, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild or sibling, or a corresponding in-law or step-relative. Relative Living in the Student’s Home Students are eligible for up to three (3) days of excused absence over five (5) consecutive calendar days for the deathofanuncle,aunt,niece,nephew,orfirstcousinlivinginthestudent’shome. Relative Students are eligible for one (1) day of excused absence for the death of an uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, or first cousin. If the death of another family member or friend is not explicitly included within this policy, a bereaved student should petition for grief absence through the Program Coordinator. Travel and Absences Additional days may be granted depending on the miles needed. No additional excused absence days are allowed within a 150-mile (241.4 km) radius of the student campus. One extra excused absence day may be permitted between 150 miles (241.4 km) and 300 miles (482.8 km) of the student campus. Two additional excused absence days may be taken beyond a 300-mile radius of the student campus. Outside the 48 contiguous United States, four further excused absence days may be approved. MakingupClockHours Hours cannotbeguaranteed,possiblyaffectingthestudent’sgraduationdateandcompletionstatusdepending on where the student is in the program and the nature of the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts educational structure. The student must make up all hours missed and complete all the necessary competencies. Given proper documentation, didactic instructors will excuse the student from class, provide the opportunity to earn equivalent credit, and demonstrate evidence of meeting the learning outcomes for missed assignments or assessments. Making up Clinical Hours is also contingent upon an available student position in appropriate clinical facilities. 132