clinical affiliate can guarantee that the student would not exceed the occupational limits of 0.5 rem during the entire gestational period. This option means that the student agrees to attend and complete all classes, clinical assignments, and competencies in a manner consistent with her peers within the guidelines set forth by the instructors and Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. The student must present a letter from a physician releasing the student to continue training. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts reserves the right to contact the physician to verify the student’s physical activity level and ability to complete all clinical experience requirements. 2. The student maytakealeaveofabsenceforsuchalongperiodasisdeemedmedicallynecessaryby the student’s physician, at the end of which the student shall be reinstated to the status she held when the leave began. The student must make up all missed clinical and didactic hours and completeallthenecessarycompetencies.Thisoptiontimingiscontingentuponanavailablestudent position in an appropriate clinical facility. Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy students: If a student chooses to declare her pregnancy to program officials, she must provide written notification to the Program Director that provides a name, date, estimated date of conception, and delivery. The student must sign the letter. Pregnant students may seek counseling from a radiation safety officer (RSO) or other qualified individuals. The academy will provide the student with a fetal dosemonitorandinstructionsforuseuponthestudent’sdeclarationofpregnancy. Upon declaration of pregnancy, the declared pregnant student will be given a secondary radiation monitoring device to be worn at waist level under any protective apparel. A student may submit a written request to withdraw her declaration unquestionably at any time. A student who has decided to declare her pregnancy will be allowed to pick one option for completing their Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtstraining. Options 1. Waive liability and decide not to withdraw voluntarily from the program and complete the program with no modification (if voluntarily declaring pregnancy). This option means that the student agrees to attend and complete all classes, clinical assignments, and competencies in a manner consistent with their peers within the guidelines set forth by the instructors and Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. The student must present a letter from a physician releasing the student to continue the training. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts reserves the right to contact the physician to verify the student’s physical activity level and ability to complete all clinical experience requirements. 2. Temporarily withdraw from the program if and when the pregnancy interferes with your education (if voluntarily declaring pregnancy). The student may exit the program and join the next cohort. If the student selects this option, the student will need to follow the program reinstatement policy. Because the didactic and clinical externships are offered in a lock-step fashion, it is impermissible for astudenttocontinueclassesandcompletetheexternshipoutofsequence. 3. Withdrawdeclarationofpregnancy(ifyoupreviouslyvoluntarilydeclaredyourpregnancy). If a declared pregnant student receives a dose of 0.05 rem (0.5 mSv) in any month of pregnancy or greater than 0.5 rem (5 mSv) at any time during the pregnancy, the student will be removed from the externship until after delivery. For students in the Dental Assistant, Associate of Occupational Science in Cardiac Ultrasound Technology, Associate of Occupational Science in Ultrasound Technology, Associate of Occupational Science in Vascular Ultrasound Technology, Associate of Science in Respiratory Care, and Associate of Science in Magnetic 131