neurological abnormalities, and developmental difficulties. PREGNANCY Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts provides students with a safe environment for clinical experiences and training. In compliance with regulations regarding pregnant students, female students have the option to inform program officials whether they are pregnant. With written notification to the Program Director, the student may change from one option to another during the pregnancy if all program objectives, courses, and competenciesarecompleted. However, if a student chooses to declare her pregnancy to program officials, she must provide written notification. Pregnant students may seek counseling from a radiation safety officer (RSO) or other qualified individuals. Upon student disclosure, the student will be provided a fetal dose monitor and instructions for use. Associate of Science in Radiologic Technology and Associate of Occupational Science in Radiologic Technology Program students: Upon declaration of pregnancy, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts will ensure compliance with the lower radiation exposure limit and dose monitoring requirements outlined in the Radiation Protection Policy. A student may submit a written request to withdraw her declaration unquestionably at any time. A student whohas decided to declare her pregnancy will be allowed to choose one option for completing their Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtstraining. Options 1. Continuing the training without modification or interruption. This option means that the student agrees to attend and complete all classes, clinical assignments, and competencies in a manner consistent with her peers within the guidelines set forth by the instructors and Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. The student must present a letter from a physician releasing the student to continue the training. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts reserves the right to contact the physician to verify thestudent’s physical activity level and ability to complete all clinical experience requirements. 2. The student maytakealeaveofabsenceforsuchalongperiodasisdeemedmedicallynecessaryby the student’s physician, at the end of which the student shall be reinstated to the status she held when the leave began. The student must make up all missed clinical and didactic hours and completeallthenecessarycompetencies.Thisoptiontimingiscontingentuponanavailablestudent position in an appropriate clinical facility. Associate of Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology students: Upon declaration of pregnancy, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts will ensure compliance with the lower radiation exposure limit and dose monitoring requirements outlined in the Radiation Protection Policy. The student will then be counseled and review the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Appendix to Regulatory Guide 8.13, “Possible Health Risks to Children of WomenWhoAreExposedtoRadiationDuringPregnancy.” A student may submit a written request to withdraw her declaration unquestionably at any time. A student who has chosen to declare her pregnancy will be allowed to choose one of the following options for completingtheGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtstraining. Options 1. Continuing the training with approval of the clinical site per the institution’s radiation protection policy. As a result, the student elects to continue doing so at their risk. Neither the college nor the 130