CHANGEOFNAME Anychangestoastudent’scurrentorformerlegalnamerequirethefollowing: ● Oneofthefollowing: ○ acertifiedcopyoftheirbirthcertificate ○ valid(current)passport ○ amarriagelicenseissuedbyacountyorcityclerk ○ adivorcedecreefromacourtoflaw ○ acourt-orderednamechange ● The second piece of identification (with the new name) must be a government-issued photo ID. Changes of Name Forms are available on or by asking a campus designee. Students must complete the Change of Name Form and bring the above-mentioned official documents in person to the Student Services Coordinator or Designated School Official located on their campus or mail notarized copies of documents with a cover letter explaining the change. If they mail the certified documents, Students must sign the cover letter and include their Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts student ID or social security number and date of birth. Mail shouldbesenttothestudent’scampus. The Student Services Coordinator or Designated School Official will photocopy the official documents evidencing the name change and file these documents in the appropriate student folder with the completed ChangeofNameForm. STUDENTDRESSCODE The Student Dress Code applies whenever the student is at the campus or a clinical site in a clinical or didactic setting. Students must maintain a neat, clean, and professional appearance while attending Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. This helps to ensure a positive teaching and learning environment for all students and is essential to the image and safe operation of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Dress codes in the medical profession are common, and our dress code is designed to teach our students to adhere to policies and look professional. Our dress code identifies the student as a medical professional in training. GeneralRequirements All students attending class on campus must wear school-designated scrubs and white professional medical shoes (non-porous material, leather or pleather, that can be easily cleaned and polished) during the didactic, laboratory, and clinical sites. The uniform consists of blue scrub tops and bottoms and a sweater. Students may wear white short-sleeved or long-sleeved undershirts without visible designs for additional warmth. Individual programsmayenforceastricterdresscode. While attending a clinical site, students must adhere to the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts and Designated Clinical Facility Policies. Violating the dress code policy may result in disciplinary action, including being sent home. Clinical sites requesting an exception to the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts Dress Code Policy will needtoprovidetheirrequestinwriting,andaccommodationswillonlybemadeforthatclinicalsite. Exceptions or Additions to the Student Dress Code by Program Physical Therapist Assistant (A.S. in PTA) and Ultrasound Technology (A.O.S. in UT) Programs Students must wear Khaki pants and Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts-supplied shirts for didactic sessions. 133