Physical Therapist Assistants and Ultrasound students must wear the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts supplied shorts and shirts for the lab. Women must wear a tank top or sports bra if shirts are removed. Distance Education (Online) Programs Students enrolled in Distance Education (Online) programs, including B.S. in DMI, are not required to abide bytheabovedresscode. BachelorofScienceinNursing(BSN)Program Students in the BSN program are exempt from the above dress code for the externship portion of the program.However,studentsmustdressappropriatelyforthefacilitytheyattendfortheirexternshiphours. PERSONALAPPEARANCEANDHYGIENE In addition to the above dress code, students must always maintain a neat and professional appearance and personal hygiene. The guidelines below are for the student’s health, safety, professionalism, and the patient’s comfort in being cared for by a medical professional in training. Kindly note that the following requirements are not all-encompassing. Circumstances that are not covered by this policy may include: ● Studentswithlonghairmustalwayskeepitupandawayfromtheirfaces. ● Students must wear their Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts Identification Badge at shoulder or chest height. (Clinical facilities may additionally require an identification badge issued by their departmenttobewornduringthestudents’clinicalexperiencesattheirfacility). ● Tattoos must be covered. Tattoos on the arms (including the upper arm, forearm, and wrists) must be covered by long sleeves. A white undershirt or turtleneck must cover tattoos on the chest and extend up the neck without visible designs. Tattoos that cannot be covered must not convey a messagecontrarytoprofessionalstandardsandmustnotposeapotentialcustomerrelationsissue. ● Undergarmentsmustbewornatalltimes. ● Fragrancesmustbeavoided. ● Jewelry must be discrete and provide no risk to the wearer or patient. Visible piercing jewelry is not allowed. ● Noheadcoverings,includinghats,exceptforverifiedreligiouspractices. ● Neatlytrimmed,naturallycoloredfingernails;nolongartificial nails are permitted. ● Facialhairmustbecloselytrimmed. ● Anymakeupmustbeminimal. ● Dailyhygieneadheredto(shower,deodorant,oralcare). ● This list is not meant to be exhaustive; other requirements may be applied as deemed professional byGurnickAcademyofMedicalArts. CELLPHONE Cell phones must always be turned off in class* and clinical settings. Students may use their cell phones on campus before or after class and during breaks in the posted designated areas or outside Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Students who do not comply with this policy are subject to disciplinary probation or expulsion at thediscretion of the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts administration. *Please note that some instructors may allow restricted cellphone use in class for certain activities. ADMINISTRATIONOFEXAMINATION 134