All electronic devices must be turned off while administering all evaluation forms and displayed within the instructors’ view. All non-electronic personal belongings will be stored out of all class members’ view by storing belongings under the chair or desk. There will be no talking or questions during the administration of evaluations. Forms of evaluation include but are not limited to quizzes, tests, and examinations. Students who do not comply with this policy are subject to disciplinary probation or expulsion at the discretion of Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsadministration. ELECTRONICRECORDING Gurnick Academy ofMedicalArtsprohibitsvideorecordingonacademygroundsorataclinicalsitebystudents or any other individuals who have not secured written permission from the administration of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. This policy protects the privacy of all students, faculty, staff, clinical site employees, and patients and protects the confidentiality and intellectual property of all instructional material and curricula. Voice recording is solely permitted during a lecture class with the instructor’s permission and when used for the educational purpose of an individual’s studying resource. Any student violating this policy will be immediately expelled from Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts and will not be permitted to re-enroll per the Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArts’Re-enrollmentPolicy’sguidelinesonexpulsionduetodisciplinaryaction. VIDEOANDAUDIOSURVEILLANCENOTIFICATION When on Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts premises, individuals enter an area where video and audio recording may occur. By entering the premises, individuals consent to video and audio recording and release Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts, its officers, employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connectedwiththevideoandaudiorecordings. To promote the safety of employees and students and the security of its facilities, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts may conduct video and audio surveillance of any portion of its premises at any time. These video cameras will be positioned appropriately within and around Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. The only exception to surveillance is within private areas such as restrooms. By entering the premises, individuals waive any right to inspect or approve any video or audio recordings taken byGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsorthepersonorentitydesignatedtoviewrecordings. TRANSFER WithintheProgram Students maybeconsideredfortransferfromonecohortintoanotherwithinthesameprogramif: ● StudentsarereturningfromLOAbytheexpectedreturndate ● StudentsarecurrentlyActive(studentshavestartedtheprogram)andwishto: o TransferfromAM/PMorPM/AM o Transfertoanothercampus Students may not be eligible for transfer if there is a large discrepancy in cost, length, start date, and availability of programs and seats in the preferred group or campus. ToAnotherProgram Students not eligible for transfer within the program may withdraw from the current program and enroll in the 135