desired program. Please see the Re-Enrollment Policy for further details. Transfer students are not subject to paying a $100.00 Registration Fee. TRANSFERABILITYOFCREDITSANDCREDENTIALS The transferability of credits you earn at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts is at the discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the (degree, diploma, or certificate) you earn in the educational program is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the (credits, degree, diploma, or certificate) you earn at this institution are not accepted by the institution you seek to transfer to, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework there. Thus, you should confirm that attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution you may seek to transfer to after attending Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts to determine if your (credits or degree, diploma, or certificate) will transfer. UNITOFCREDIT Academic credit is measured in quarter credit, semester credit, or clock hours. Typically, one hour of instructional time is defined as fifty minutes. Credits solely earned at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts determine progress toward program completion. Credits are not usually transferable to another school, college, or university. Quartercredit hours are determined as follows: 10hoursoflectures=1quartercredithour 20hoursoflaboratory=1quartercredithour 30hoursofclinical = 1 quarter credit hour Semestercredithoursaredeterminedasfollows: 15hoursoflectures=1semestercredithour 30hoursoflaboratory=1semestercredithour 45hoursofclinical = 1 semester credit hour ESTIMATEDTIMEFOROUTSIDE-OF-SCHOOLPREPARATIONHOURS(OSPH) The OSPH policy estimates the number of hours it takes students to perform outside-of-school preparation activities. Such activities that will require students to study outside regularly scheduled hours in school include butarenotlimitedto ● Homeworkassignments ● Testandquizpreparations ● Reportscompetitions ● Otherassignments ThenumberofhoursittakesstudentstoperformOSPHisestimatedusingthefollowingmethodology: “The average adult reading rate is 250 words per minute with 70% comprehension. [Smith, Brenda D. “Breaking Through: College Reading” 7th Ed. Longman, 2004]. Reading for learning (100-200 wpm), reading for comprehension (200-400 wpm), and skimming (400-700 wpm). With an average of 400 words per page, at 200 words per minute, a student should read around 30 pages per hour (200 words per minute x 60 = 12,000 words per hour divided by 400 = 30 pages per hour). Therefore, we are using 25–30 pagesperhour.Audiobooksarerecommendedtobe150–160wordsperminuteor22pagesper 136