hour. Reading on Monitor: 180-200 wpm or 27 pages per hour. Slide presentations are closer to 100 wpmor15pagesperhour.” OSPH-related activities may be graded. Quarter Credit programs: Students must spend at least five (5) hours of OSPH per quarter credit (didactic or lab) to receive credit. Semester Credit program: Students must spend at least 7.5 hours of OSPH per semester credit (didactic or lab) to receive credit. STUDENTGRIEVANCEANDAPPEALS Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsisdedicatedtofairtreatmentandprofessionalconductwithstudents.In compliancewiththeOfficeofCivilRights(OCR)recommendations,thispolicyandprocedureaboutgrievances of various natures, including but not limited to academic, discrimination, harassment, and bullying. Students are first encouraged to discuss any concerns or questions regarding policies or decisions rendered directly with the party with whom the student has a concern. Should any student have a complaint, the student is asked to discuss the matter within five days directly with an Instructor or Administrative Manager/DesignatedSchoolOfficialwhowillinitiateaninformalprocesstosincerelysettlethedispute.That informal process will involve three steps: 1.Anefforttodefinetheproblem. 2.Anefforttoidentify acceptable options for resolution. 3.Anattempttoresolvetheconflictbyapplyingoneormoreacceptableoptionsforresolution. Shouldthestudentfeeltheissuehasnotbeensatisfactorilyresolved,theymay,withinfive(5)days,filea written complaint directly with the Program Director. The Program Director will do their best to resolve the matterforthestudentandGurnickAcademyofMedicalArts. TheProgramDirectorwilltrytoresolveoralleviatethecomplaintorgrievancethatthestudentpresents within five (5) days of receipt. If, after following these steps, the Program Director cannot remedy the issue and thestudentisstill unsatisfied with the solution. The Campus Director will investigate all written complaints, attempttoresolveallsuchcomplaintsandrecordanentryintothecampus’sofficiallog. Theformalprocesswillrequirethestudent’ssubmissionofawrittendescriptionofthespecificcomplaintand thedesiredremedy,accompaniedbyanyavailabledocumentation.TheCampusDirectorwillhavefive(5)days to respond to the grievance and determine proper action. The Campus Director may notify the student of the decision reached. Students may also follow the Appeals Procedures outlined below for further action if necessary. Toprovidestudentswithaneutralmechanismforthereconsiderationofdisciplinaryactionsorperformance evaluations that would necessitate the dismissal of the student from a program, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts has a designated Appeals Committee consisting of the following individuals: Chief Academic Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Executive Officer, and Vice President, Campus Operations. Note: A student must stay within the appeal process and not contact the Appeal Committee members for any reason unless directed to dosobyaCampusDirectororCommitteemember.Astudentwhogoesoutsidetheprocedureofthispolicy will be denied their appeal. ShouldtheCampusDirectorbeunabletoremedytheissueandthestudentisstillunsatisfiedwiththe outcome,thestudentmayasktheCampusDirector,inwriting,toforwardallwrittengrievancesand correspondencetotheAppealsCommittee.TheAppealsCommitteewillhavefive(5)workingdaystorespond to the appeal and determine proper action. 137