All grievances and appeals will be handled discreetly. Dissemination of the resolution will be at the discretion of the CampusDirector or Appeals Committee and on a “need-to-know” basis. The decisions rendered by the AppealsCommitteewillbethefinalandbindingdecisionofGurnickAcademyofMedicalArts. At any time, a student or any member of the public may file a complaint about Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling 888.370.7589 toll-free or completing a complaint form obtainable on the bureau’s Internet website at Associate of Science in Physical Therapist Assistant (A.S. in PTA) at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: [email protected]; website: If you need to contact the program/institution directly, please call 650- 425-9672 or email [email protected]. All VN students may contact the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians regarding the education program. The BVNPTcontactinfoisBVNPT2535CapitalOaksDrive,Suite205Sacramento,CA Students in a Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) accredited program havetherighttocontacttheJRCERTregardingconcernsabouttheireducationprogram.TheJRCERTcontact information is 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182. Phone: (312) 704-5300. E-mail is [email protected]. The website is Students maybewithdrawneitherbyself-withdrawalorbyacademicwithdrawal.Astudentwho self-withdraws will be processed through the drop process. Students who are academically withdrawn can dispute the withdrawal through the student grievance and appeals process. To initiate the grievance and appeals process, the students must submit a written appeal within five (5) days of being notified of the withdrawal. After five (5) days, the student will be dropped via the drop process if no written appeal has been submitted. Thestudentgrievanceandappealsprocesswillstartifawrittenappealissubmittedwithintheallottedtime. ThestudentwillbeplacedonActiveWarningstatusandmustattendallinstructionuntilthegrievanceand appeals process has been completed and a final decision has been made. Please see the Student Grievance andAppealssectionfordetailedinformation. COPYRIGHT It is the policy of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts to respect the copyright protections given by federal law to owners of texts, publications, documents, works of art, digital materials, and software and to abide by all license and contractual agreements in the provision of resources and services to Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts community members are advised to become as knowledgeable as possible regarding copyright law and this policy. Individuals who willfully disregard this policy and guidelines do so at their own risk and may be subject to personal liability. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts regards a violation of this policy as a serious matter. Any such violation is without its consent and is subject to disciplinary action, including termination of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts employees and expulsion of students. The use of copyrighted material(s) is permissible with written permission from the owner(s). The Campus Director can provide a sample request letter. When consent is received, please provide a copy of the signed 138