letter to the Campus Director. The Campus Director will review the letter’s content and either give or deny the request to utilize the texts, publications, documents, works of art, digital materials, or software requested. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts prohibits using its equipment to access, use, copy, reproduce, or make available to others, including unauthorized peer-to-peer sharing, any copyright-protected materials or software except as permitted under copyright law or specific license. Specifically, users are prohibited from ● Copying or reproducing any texts, publications, documents, works of art, digital materials, and software on Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts’ photocopiers, fax machines, or computing equipment, except as expressly permitted in writing by the owner. Furthermore, users may not use unauthorized copies of texts, publications, documents, works of art, digital materials, and software on-site at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts facilities, owned computers, or personal computers housedintheinstitution’s facilities. ● Copying, downloading, or uploading audio recordings, music, movies, videos, and other copyright-protected files electronically without the owner’s written permission. ● Posting copyrighted material on a Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts-owned website (official or personal). Additionally, faculty, staff, administrators, and students must: ● Fullyread,understand,andabidebyalltermsofsoftwarelicenseagreements. ● Whereapplicable, removeanycopyrightedmaterialfromGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsfacilities or downloaditfromthewebaftertheexpirationoftheevaluationperiod. ● Notacceptunlicensedsoftwarefromanythirdparty. ● Not install, nor direct others to install, illegal copies of computer or unlicensed software onto any institution-owned or operated computer system. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts does not routinely monitor the network for illegal activity violating institutional policy. However, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts reserves the right to monitor network use for operational needs and ensure compliance with applicable laws and institutional policies. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts has a legal duty to comply with applicable laws protecting third parties’ intellectual property rights and respond to formal legal complaints it receives. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts reserves the right to authorize removing any illegal copyright material or disconnecting a user’s account if the user represents a severe threat to system integrity or is a liability to the institution. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts may refer suspected violations of applicable law to appropriate lawenforcementagencies. Any provision of this policy ruled invalid under the law shall be deemed modified or omitted solely to the extent necessary to comply with said law. The remainder of the policy shall continue in full force and effect. Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750.00 and not more than $30,000.00 per work infringed. A court may award up to $150,000.00 per work infringed. A court can also assess costs and attorneys’ fees at its discretion. See Title 17, United States Code,Sections504,505. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five (5) years and fines of up to $250,000.00 per offense. For more information, please see the U.S. Copyright Office website at www.copyright.gov, especially their FAQs 139