at FILE SHARING The computers at Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsarestrictlyforsupportingtheschool’smissionandareonly used by our students, faculty, and staff. No user should perform any action which may be deemed inappropriate or dangerous. All use of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts’ computers should be within the ethical standards of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. This includes but is not limited to plagiarism, illegal file sharing, or the distribution of copyrighted material. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts students, faculty, and staff violating this policy are subject to disciplinary probation, suspension, or termination at the discretion of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts administration. In addition, any user violating State or Federal laws is responsible for the consequences of their actions, including civil action or criminal prosecution. PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is defined as “literary theft,” i.e., the presentation and passing off of one’s original ideas, words, or writings of another. One common violation is the use of another student’s work without acknowledgement. Themostcommonviolationinvolvesastudentusingpublishedmaterialsandfailingtoacknowledgethe sources. Copyingadirectquotationwithoutusingquotationmarksorcreditingthesourceisconsideredplagiarism. Anotherformofplagiarismconsistsofparaphrasingorusinganoriginalideawithoutproperlyintroducingor documentingtheparaphraseorborrowedidea. Theideasandwordsaretheauthor’sproperty.Theyareprotectedbylawandmustbecreditedwhen borrowed.Toavoidplagiarism,oneshould: ● Usequotationmarksforallquotedmaterials. ● Paraphrasematerial using their style and language rather than merely rearranging sentences. ● Usefootnotesorotheracceptedmethodstocredittheauthor. ● Provide a bibliography for the sources noted in the footnotes. ● Introduce the quotation or paraphrase with the author’s name of the borrowed material. Artificial intelligence (AI) content may be plagiarized from other sources. Using this content without properly citing the source will also constitute plagiarism. It is the student’s responsibility to verify all information before submitting the assignment. Submitted documents will be sent through Turnitin, a software plagiarism checker to detect original work. A Similarity report will be generated, including what percentage of the document’s content matches Turnitin’s databases. This is called the similarity score. Unless specified otherwise by the student or employee handbook, the similarity score should be no more than 25%. The Similarity Report also contains an AI score that determinestheamountofthedocumentwrittenbyanAItool. Unless the student or employee handbook specifies otherwise, the AI score should be no more than 25%. Please refer to the “Use of AI Tools” in the student catalog and student handbook for details on the permitted useofAIforeachprogram. 140