STUDENTSERVICES StudentIdentification Card Students receive badges at the beginning of their program; it is part of their Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts uniform. Initial ID badges or replacements are provided by Student Services or Front Desk. The student is responsible for all applicable fees if a replacement identification card is required. All students must always wear their Student Identification Card while in educational settings. Failure to do so could impact the student’s ability to attend instruction to complete the program’s graduation requirements or obtain certification after completion. AcademicAdvisement All applicants and students may discuss program and course selection with the applicable Program Director or AdmissionAdvisor. An appointmentis required. Accessibility for Disabled Students All campuses of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts have accessible parking spaces available. Students with disabilities who require assistance are encouraged to disclose this information to the ADA coordinator to determineaplanofactionforsupportservices. Orientation of New Students Orientation is conducted before the beginning of each program to introduce new students to Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. During this orientation, administration members familiarize students with Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts facilities and explain academic policies and regulations. Orientation may occur in residential or virtual modalities or combine both. Students are required to complete all orientation tasks and meetings before the start of their program. Tutor Locator Service Students who experience difficulty or have learning challenges will be assisted in locating qualified tutors, as Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts does not offer a tutoring program. Interested students should contact their Program Director. The Program Director can arrange individual tutoring to help struggling students catch up with the program and improve their academic progress. Library Resources LIRNis a 3rd party Library and Librarian Solution that Gurnick Academy partners with to provide comprehensive library resources and librarians to ensure that all faculty and staff are knowledgeable about library resources. LIRNhasnumerousonlineresourcesfromvariousvendors(includingdatabasescontainingarticlesfrom periodicals [peer reviewed, academic, and trade], eBook collections, video collections, or interactive applications. Gurnick Academyhasselectedresourcesrelevanttospecificareasofstudyatourinstitution.AllLIRNresources are intended for higher education to promote academic study, research, and growth, including all areas of GeneralEducation.GurnickAcademyissupportedbyateamofLIRNLibrarianswhohaveearnedaMaster’s degreeinLibraryScience(MLS),Librarianship, or Library and Information Studies (MLIS) from a program accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). 141