a. Students will demonstrate clinical competence in simulation and radiation therapy treatment delivery. b. Students will demonstrate mastery of knowledge and clinical reasoning. c. Students will demonstrate ALARA principles. 2. Students will communicate effectively. a. Students will effectively communicate with patients, therapists, physicians, and staff. b. Applyappropriatecommunicationskillsacrosssettings, purposes, and audiences. c. Demonstratetheabilitytocommunicatewithculturallydiversepopulations. 3. Students will utilize problem-solving skills and develop critical thinking skills. a. Applyappropriatecommunicationskillsacrosssettings, purposes, and audiences. b. Developconclusionsandrelatedoutcomes. c. Students will demonstrate mastery of knowledge and clinical reasoning. 4. Students will demonstrate standards of professionalism through ethical behaviors. a. Students will demonstrate ethical behaviors. b. Demonstrateattitudesandbehaviorsconsistentwithprofessionalstandards. B.S. in RT Program Outline Table 68. B.S. in RT Program Course Outline Course Clock Semester Title Number Hours Credit Hours GE002 Principles of Physics 45.0 3.0 GE020A HumanBodyinHealth&DiseaseIwithLaboratory 75.0 4.0 GE020B HumanBodyinHealth&DiseaseIIwithLaboratory 75.0 4.0 GE031 Nutrition in Health and Disease 45.0 3.0 GE041 GeneralMicrobiologywithLaboratory 75.0 4.0 GE103 GrowthandDevelopmentThroughLifespan 45.0 3.0 GE110 Critical Thinking 45.0 3.0 GE112 Algebra I 45.0 3.0 GE120 Introduction to Information Systems 45.0 3.0 GE201 Introduction to Sociology 45.0 3.0 GE202 GeneralPsychology 45.0 3.0 GE222 English Reading and Composition 45.0 3.0 GE240 Public Speaking, Basics of Effective Communication 45.0 3.0 GEH101 Organization and Function of Health Services 45.0 3.0 RTT250 Introduction to Radiation Therapy 30.0 2.0 RTT300 Sectional/Topographic Anatomy 45.0 3.0 RTT315 MedicalImaging 45.0 3.0 RTT320 Clinical Concepts I 45.0 3.0 RTT330 Ethics 25.0 1.5 219

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