RTT340 Radiation Therapy Patient Care 45.0 3.0 RTT355 Clinical Oncology 45.0 3.0 RTT365 Clinical Concepts II 45.0 3.0 RTT400 Clinical Radiation Therapy Physics I 60.0 4.0 RTT410 Clinical Radiation Therapy Physics II 60.0 4.0 RTT420 Quality Management 45.0 3.0 RTT430 ResearchinRadiationTherapy 45.0 3.0 RTT440 Dosimetry 45.0 3.0 RTT450 Operational Issues 30.0 2.0 RTT460 Radiobiology 45.0 3.0 RTT470 Radiation Therapy Clinical Externship I 570.0 12.5 RTT471 SeminarinRadiationTherapyI 15.0 1.0 RTT475 Radiation Therapy Clinical Externship II 570.0 12.5 RTT476 SeminarinRadiationTherapyII 15.0 1.0 RTT485 Radiation Therapy Clinical Externship III 480.0 10.5 RTT486 SeminarinRadiationTherapyIII 15.0 1.0 RTT490 Radiation Therapy Capstone 60.0 4.0 TOTAL 3,100.0 131.0 B.S. in RT Program Information, Length, and Schedule The program information, length, and schedule may change. Read the accompanying Addendum for changes andupdates,andcheckwithanAdmissionAdvisorfordetails. The Radiation Therapy program is a Bachelor of Science degree program. The student will receive didactic, laboratory, and clinical experience in affiliated medical facilities. The instructor-to-student ratio is as follows: online lectures 1:25 and clinical 1:1. The program consists of nine (9) 15-week semesters. Students will take General Education courses and one (1) introductory course for up to 20 hours per week during the first three (3) semesters. Students will take technical courses for the last six (6) semesters. Clinical rotations start in semester five (5). Classes may be scheduled Monday through Sunday. Students will attend up to forty (40) hours per week of instruction, including didactic, labs, and clinical. Clinical activities may be held during weekdays as required by theclinical site. Didactic courses are held between 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Students receive 1,480 didactic and laboratory instruction hours and 1,620 clinical education hours, allowing themtoapplythelecturetopicstopracticaluse. 220

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