At Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts (professional courses only), students receive 480 hours of didactic instruction and 180 hours of clinical teaching, allowing them to apply the lecture topics to practical use. Additionally, students will dedicate 960 hours toward outside-of-school preparation time. BACHELOROFSCIENCEINRADIATIONTHERAPY(B.S.inRT) 135WEEKS 3100CLOCKHOURS 131SEMESTERCREDITHOURS BACHELOROFSCIENCEDEGREEPROGRAM,9SEMESTERS STANDARDOCCUPATIONALCLASSIFICATION (SOCCode):29-1124.00 POTENTIAL OCCUPATION: Please see a school official for the complete list of potential occupations. LOCATIONS:VanNuys DELIVERY:Full Distance Education Stock photo from B.S. in RT Program Mission Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts aims to offer quality allied health and nursing programs that integrate professional skills, career-focused education, and hands-on practical experience by empowering students to developandachievetheirpersonalandcareergoals. The Radiation Therapy Program at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts aims to provide the highest quality of didactic and clinical education for students to assume the role of a radiation therapist. Graduates of the Radiation Therapy program will be knowledgeable, both clinically and technically competent, and proficient in critical thinking to provide exceptional patient care, education, simulation, and treatment. B.S. in RT Program Goals and Description The Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy Program (B.S. in RT) is a 36-month program that prepares students to obtain the professional role of an entry-level radiation therapist. This full-time, lock-step program provides students with didactic and clinical learning experiences that prepare them to be vital healthcare team members. This program includes online classwork, live online lectures, and clinical experiences contributing to student learning. Beginning with general education courses, students will build upon their knowledge as they progress throughtheprogramintocoreradiationtherapycoursework. The radiation therapy curriculum, developed by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, ensures students develop essential skills for working with diverse patients. These skills include communication, human diversity, scientific inquiry, critical thinking, and judgment. The didactic radiation therapy courses include human anatomy, physiology, radiation therapy physics, radiation oncology, pathology, radiation biology, treatmentplanning, medical dosimetry, quality assurance, and patient care. During the clinical portion of the program, students will be under the direct supervision of a licensed radiation therapist as they develop competencies in simulation, treatment, and dosimetric procedures. Students will utilize various simulation and treatment machines to elevate their skills and consistently deliver high-quality patient care. B.S. in RT Program Goals and Objectives 1. Students will be clinically competent in simulation and the delivery of radiation therapy treatments. 218

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