Thethirdsemesteris17SemesterCreditHoursofGeneralEducationCoursesviaonlinedelivery.Thefourthand fifth semesters with 24 semester credit hours are credits granted from LVN Education. Thesixthsemesterconsistsof17.5SemesterCreditHours(12lectureand5.5clinicalhours).Coursesinclude Pathophysiology, Mental Health Theory and Clinical, Maternal/Newborn Theory and Clinical, and Advanced Med/SurgITheoryandClinical.TheoryandLabwillbeheldMondaythroughFriday.Theclinicalschedulemay vary depending on clinical site availability. Theseventhsemesterconsistsof14.5SemesterCreditHours(nine(9)lectureand5.5clinicalhours).Courses include Care of Children Theory and Clinical, Complex Med-Surg Theory and Clinical/Leadership, and CommunityHealthTheoryandPracticum.ClasseswillbeheldMondaythroughFriday.Theclinicalschedule mayvarydependingonclinicalsiteavailability. Theeighthsemesterconsistsof14SemesterCreditHours(12lectureandtwo(2)clinicalhours).Courses include Leadership Theory and Practicum, Nursing Research, Nursing Informatics, and BSN Capstone Portfolio. Classes will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule may vary depending on clinical site availability. Students receive 802.5 hours of didactic and 652.5 hours of clinical and lab instruction in this pathway, allowing themtoapplythelecturetopicstopracticaluse.Theexpectedprogramcompletiontimeis63weeks,excluding holidays and vacations. Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtshasadoptedATIstandardizedtestingtoassessstudentlearningoutcomesand evaluate student readiness for the nursing licensure examination. The NCLEX Preparation and Remediation course assists students in this program by focusing directly on the current NCLEX-RN test plan, application process, and test-taking strategies to prepare for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam. Preparation for NCLEX-RN (ATI) is provided to the students. Students are permitted two (2) attempts to pass the ATI exit exam to graduate. The first attempt is given after program completion. The second attempt is given two (2) weeks after program completion. Under extraordinary circumstances, applicable students may be eligible for athird attempt. See the Student Grievance and Appeals Policy for more information. RNtoBSNAdvancedPlacement(3semestersfor36SemesterCreditHours): The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (RN to BSN) admission track is a three (3) semester distance education program for RNs to complete their Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing in one (1) year. Each semester is 15 weeks long and covers five (5) courses. Course instructors will open a new lecture each weekday, and assignments must be submitted by the deadlines set by the course instructors and indicated in the course syllabi. The two (2) practicum courses, Community Health Nursing Practicum and Leadership/Management in Nursing Practicum, require the student to do six (6) hours each week for 15 weeks in a clinical setting. Students are responsible for obtaining their local clinical site/preceptor based on their work or residence. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts has agreements with multiple clinical sites in the Bay Area, California, where students can alternatively complete their clinical/preceptorship. The expected program completion time is 45 weeks, excluding holidays and vacation times. The Instructor-to-Student ratio is 1:25 during lectures and 1:1 during clinical externships. 217