BSNProgramInformation,Length,andSchedule TheBSNisadegreeprogramprovidingalibraryandclassroomswithaudiovisualteachingaids,textbooks, journals, anatomical charts, and models. The Instructor-to-Student ratio is 1:12 in the laboratory and clinical, 1:28 during residential lectures, and 1:25 during online lectures. TheBSNprogramisdesignedwiththree(3)separateadmissionpathwaysforfull-timeattendance. Generic BSN(8semestersfor120SemesterCreditHours): In the first three (3) program semesters, students will take 50 Semester-Credit Hours of General Education courses via online delivery. The fourth semester is 15 weeks and consists of 14 Semester Credit Hours (nine (9) lecture and five (5) clinical and skills lab hours). Courses include Fundamentals of Nursing, including theory, skills and clinical, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology. Theory and Lab will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule may vary depending on clinical site availability. The fifth semester consists of 13 Semester Credit Hours (nine (9) lecture and four (4) clinical hours). Courses include Pathophysiology, Introduction to Med/Surg I Theory and Clinical, and Intermediate Med/Surg Theory and Clinical. Classes will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule may vary depending on clinical site availability. The sixth semester consists of 14.5 Semester Credit Hours (nine (9) lecture and 5.5 clinical hours). Courses include Mental Health Theory and Clinical, Maternal/Newborn Theory and Clinical, and Advanced Med/Surg I Theory and Clinical. Theory and Lab will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule may vary dependingonclinicalsite availability. The seventh semester consists of 14.5 Semester Credit Hours (nine (9) lecture and 5.5 clinical hours). Courses include Care of Children Theory and Clinical, Complex Med-Surg Theory and Clinical/Leadership, and Community Health Theory and Practicum. Classes will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule mayvarydependingonclinicalsiteavailability. The eighth semester consists of 14 Semester Credit Hours (12 lecture and two (2) clinical hours). Courses include Leadership Theory and Practicum, Nursing Research, Nursing Informatics, and BSN Capstone Portfolio. Classes will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule may vary depending on clinical site availability. Students receive 1,425 didactic hours and 1,080 clinical and lab hours during this pathway, allowing them to apply the lecture topics to practical use. LVNtoBSNAdvancedPlacement(4semestersfor63SemesterCreditHours): Students in this pathway can complete the BSN program within 63 weeks (four (4) semesters and a three (3) weekLVNtoRNtransitioncourse),assumingmaximumcreditgrantingfornursingandGEcourses. AnadmissioncourseisrequiredforallstudentselectingtoenrollintheLVNtoRNAdvancedPlacementtrack. TheRN180NursingAdvancedPlacementTransitionTheory&Labistheadmissioncourse.Itisafive(5)unit, 120-hourcoursethatevaluatesthestudent’sreadinesstoenrollintheAdvancedPlacementpathway.The student must demonstrate the required knowledge and skills to complete this course. All students must completethesebeforestartinganyProfessionalCourses. 216